# vimux Easily interact with tmux from vim. This project is still in development so some features are still missing. ## Installation With **[vim-bundle](https://github.com/benmills/vim-bundle)**: `vim-bundle install benmills/vimux` Otherwise download the latest [tarball](https://github.com/benmills/vimux/tarball/master), extract it and move `plugin/vimux.vim` inside `~/.vim/plugin`. If you're using [pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) than move the entire folder extracted from the tarball into `~/.vim/bundle`. ## Usage ### RunVimTmuxCommand Run a system command in a small horizontal split bellow the current pane vim is in. ```viml " Run the current file with rspec map rb :call RunVimTmuxCommand("clear; rspec " . bufname("%")) ``` ### PromptVimTmuxCommand Prompt for a command and run it in a small horizontal split bellow the current pane. ```viml " Prompt for a command to run map rp :PromptVimTmuxCommand ``` ### RunLastVimTmuxCommand Run the last command executed by `RunVimTmuxCommand` ```viml " Run last command executed by RunVimTmuxCommand map rl :call RunLastVimTmuxCommand ``` ### InspectVimTmuxRunner Move into the tmux runner pane created by `RunVimTmuxCommand` and enter copy mode (scroll mode). ```viml " Inspect runner pane map ri :InspectVimTmuxRunner ``` ### CloseVimTmuxWindows Close all other tmux panes in the current window. ```viml " Close all other tmux panes in current window map rx :CloseVimTmuxWindows ``` ### InterruptVimTmuxRunner Interrupt any command that is running inside the runner pane. ```viml " Interrupt any command running in the runner pane map rs :InterruptVimTmuxRunner ``` ### Full Keybind Example ```viml " Run the current file with rspec map rb :call RunVimTmuxCommand("clear; rspec " . bufname("%")) " Prompt for a command to run map rp :PromptVimTmuxCommand " Run last command executed by RunVimTmuxCommand map rl :call RunLastVimTmuxCommand " Inspect runner pane map ri :InspectVimTmuxRunner " Close all other tmux panes in current window map rx :CloseVimTmuxWindows " Interrupt any command running in the runner pane map rs :InterruptVimTmuxRunner ``` ## Options ### VimuxHeight Set the percent height of the runner pane opened by `RunVimTmuxCommand`. **Default: `"20"`** ```viml let VimuxHeight = "50" ``` ## Todo The features I would like to add in the near future. * Add the ability to target any tmux session, window and pane