if exists('g:loaded_vimux') || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_vimux = 1 " Set up all global options with defaults right away, in one place let g:VimuxDebug = get(g:, 'VimuxDebug', v:false) let g:VimuxHeight = get(g:, 'VimuxHeight', 20) let g:VimuxOpenExtraArgs = get(g:, 'VimuxOpenExtraArgs', '') let g:VimuxOrientation = get(g:, 'VimuxOrientation', 'v') let g:VimuxPromptString = get(g:, 'VimuxPromptString', 'Command? ') let g:VimuxResetSequence = get(g:, 'VimuxResetSequence', 'q C-u') let g:VimuxRunnerName = get(g:, 'VimuxRunnerName', '') let g:VimuxRunnerType = get(g:, 'VimuxRunnerType', 'pane') let g:VimuxTmuxCommand = get(g:, 'VimuxTmuxCommand', 'tmux') let g:VimuxUseNearest = get(g:, 'VimuxUseNearest', v:true) if !executable(g:VimuxTmuxCommand) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'Failed to find executable '.g:VimuxTmuxCommand | echohl None finish endif command -bar -nargs=* VimuxRunCommand :call VimuxRunCommand() command -bar VimuxRunLastCommand :call VimuxRunLastCommand() command -bar VimuxOpenRunner :call VimuxOpenRunner() command -bar VimuxCloseRunner :call VimuxCloseRunner() command -bar VimuxZoomRunner :call VimuxZoomRunner() command -bar VimuxInspectRunner :call VimuxInspectRunner() command -bar VimuxScrollUpInspect :call VimuxScrollUpInspect() command -bar VimuxScrollDownInspect :call VimuxScrollDownInspect() command -bar VimuxInterruptRunner :call VimuxInterruptRunner() command -bar -nargs=? VimuxPromptCommand :call VimuxPromptCommand() command -bar VimuxClearTerminalScreen :call VimuxClearTerminalScreen() command -bar VimuxClearRunnerHistory :call VimuxClearRunnerHistory() command -bar VimuxTogglePane :call VimuxTogglePane() function! VimuxRunCommandInDir(command, useFile) let l:file = '' if a:useFile ==# 1 let l:file = shellescape(expand('%:t'), 1) endif call VimuxRunCommand('(cd '.shellescape(expand('%:p:h'), 1).' && '.a:command.' '.l:file.')') endfunction function! VimuxRunLastCommand() if exists('g:VimuxLastCommand') call VimuxRunCommand(g:VimuxLastCommand) else echo 'No last vimux command.' endif endfunction function! VimuxRunCommand(command, ...) if !exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') || s:VimuxHasRunner(g:VimuxRunnerIndex) ==# -1 call VimuxOpenRunner() endif let l:autoreturn = 1 if exists('a:1') let l:autoreturn = a:1 endif let resetSequence = g:VimuxResetSequence let g:VimuxLastCommand = a:command call VimuxSendKeys(resetSequence) call VimuxSendText(a:command) if l:autoreturn ==# 1 call VimuxSendKeys('Enter') endif endfunction function! VimuxSendText(text) call VimuxSendKeys(shellescape(substitute(a:text, '\n$', ' ', ''))) endfunction function! VimuxSendKeys(keys) if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') call s:VimuxTmux('send-keys -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex.' '.a:keys) else echo 'No vimux runner pane/window. Create one with VimuxOpenRunner' endif endfunction function! VimuxOpenRunner() let nearestIndex = s:VimuxNearestIndex() if g:VimuxUseNearest ==# 1 && nearestIndex != -1 let g:VimuxRunnerIndex = nearestIndex else let extraArguments = g:VimuxOpenExtraArgs if g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'pane' let height = g:VimuxHeight let orientation = g:VimuxOrientation call s:VimuxTmux('split-window -p '.height.' -'.orientation.' '.extraArguments) elseif g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'window' call s:VimuxTmux('new-window '.extraArguments) endif let g:VimuxRunnerIndex = s:VimuxTmuxIndex() call s:VimuxSetRunnerName() call s:VimuxTmux('last-'.g:VimuxRunnerType) endif endfunction function! VimuxCloseRunner() if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') call s:VimuxTmux('kill-'.g:VimuxRunnerType.' -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex) unlet g:VimuxRunnerIndex endif endfunction function! VimuxTogglePane() if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') if g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'window' call s:VimuxTmux('join-pane -d -s '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex.' -p '.g:VimuxHeight) let g:VimuxRunnerType = 'pane' elseif g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'pane' let g:VimuxRunnerIndex=substitute(s:VimuxTmux('break-pane -d -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex." -P -F '#{window_id}'"), '\n', '', '') let g:VimuxRunnerType = 'window' endif endif endfunction function! VimuxZoomRunner() if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') if g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'pane' call s:VimuxTmux('resize-pane -Z -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex) elseif g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'window' call s:VimuxTmux('select-window -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex) endif endif endfunction function! VimuxInspectRunner() call s:VimuxTmux('select-'.g:VimuxRunnerType.' -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex) call s:VimuxTmux('copy-mode') endfunction function! VimuxScrollUpInspect() call VimuxInspectRunner() call s:VimuxTmux('last-'.g:VimuxRunnerType) call VimuxSendKeys('C-u') endfunction function! VimuxScrollDownInspect() call VimuxInspectRunner() call s:VimuxTmux('last-'.g:VimuxRunnerType) call VimuxSendKeys('C-d') endfunction function! VimuxInterruptRunner() call VimuxSendKeys('^c') endfunction function! VimuxClearTerminalScreen() if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') call VimuxSendKeys('C-l') endif endfunction function! VimuxClearRunnerHistory() if exists('g:VimuxRunnerIndex') call s:VimuxTmux('clear-history -t '.g:VimuxRunnerIndex) endif endfunction function! VimuxPromptCommand(...) let command = a:0 ==# 1 ? a:1 : '' let l:command = input(g:VimuxPromptString, command, 'shellcmd') call VimuxRunCommand(l:command) endfunction function! s:VimuxTmux(arguments) if g:VimuxDebug echom g:VimuxTmuxCommand.' '.a:arguments endif return system(g:VimuxTmuxCommand.' '.a:arguments) endfunction function! s:VimuxTmuxSession() return s:VimuxTmuxProperty('#S') endfunction function! s:VimuxTmuxIndex() if g:VimuxRunnerType ==# 'pane' return s:VimuxTmuxPaneId() else return s:VimuxTmuxWindowId() end endfunction function! s:VimuxTmuxPaneId() return s:VimuxTmuxProperty('#{pane_id}') endfunction function! s:VimuxTmuxWindowId() return s:VimuxTmuxProperty('#{window_id}') endfunction function! s:VimuxNearestIndex() let t = g:VimuxRunnerType let filter = s:VimuxGetTargetFilter() let views = split(s:VimuxTmux('list-'.t."s -F '#{".t.'_active}:#{'.t."_id}'".filter), '\n') for view in views if match(view, '1:') ==# -1 return split(view, ':')[1] endif endfor return -1 endfunction function! s:VimuxGetTargetFilter() let targetName = g:VimuxRunnerName if targetName ==# '' return '' endif let t = g:VimuxRunnerType if t ==# 'window' return " -f '#{==:#{window_name},".targetName."}'" elseif t ==# 'pane' return " -f '#{==:#{pane_title},".targetName."}'" endif endfunction function! s:VimuxSetRunnerName() let targetName = g:VimuxRunnerName if targetName ==# '' return endif let t = g:VimuxRunnerType if t ==# 'window' call s:VimuxTmux('rename-window '.targetName) elseif t ==# 'pane' call s:VimuxTmux('select-pane -T '.targetName) endif endfunction function! s:VimuxTmuxProperty(property) return substitute(s:VimuxTmux("display -p '".a:property."'"), '\n$', '', '') endfunction function! s:VimuxHasRunner(index) let t = g:VimuxRunnerType return match(s:VimuxTmux('list-'.t."s -F '#{".t."_id}'"), a:index) endfunction