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# Vimux: easily interact with tmux from vim
Vimux was originally inspired by [tslime.vim](, a plugin that lets you send input to tmux. While tslime.vim works well, it wasn't optimized for the use case of having a smaller tmux pane used to run tests or play with a REPL. The goal of Vimux is to make interacting with tmux from vim effortless.
By default, when you call `VimuxRunCommand` vimux will create a 20% tall horizontal pane under your current tmux pane and execute a command in it without losing the focus on vim. Once that pane exists, whenever you call `VimuxRunCommand` again the command will be executed in that pane. A frequent use case is wanting to rerun commands over and over. An example of this is running the current file through rspec. Rather than typing that over and over `VimuxRunLastCommand` will execute the last command called with `VimuxRunCommand`.
## Installation
With **[vim-bundle](**: `vim-bundle install preservim/vimux`
With **[Vundle](**: `Plugin 'preservim/vimux'` in your .vimrc
Otherwise download the latest [tarball](, extract it and move `plugin/vimux.vim` inside `~/.vim/plugin`. If you're using [pathogen](, then move the entire folder extracted from the tarball into `~/.vim/bundle`.
* Vimux assumes a reasonably new version of tmux. Some older versions might work but it is recommended to use the latest stable release.
## Usage
The full documentation is available [online]( and accessible inside vim via `:help vimux`
## Platform-specific Plugins
* [vim-vroom]( runner for rspec, cucumber and test/unit; vimux support via `g:vroom_use_vimux`
* [vimux-ruby-test]( a set of commands to easily run ruby tests
* [vimux-cucumber]( run Cucumber Features through Vimux
12 years ago
* [vim-turbux]( Turbo Ruby testing with tmux
* [vimux-pyutils]( A set of functions for vimux that allow to run code blocks in ipython
* [vimux-nose-test]( Run nose tests in vimux
* [vimux-golang]( Run go tests in vimux
* [vimux-zeus]( Run zeus commands in vimux
* [vimix]( Run Elixir mix commands in vimux
* [vimux-cargo]( run rust tests and projects using cargo and vimux
* [vimux-bazel-test]( Run bazel tests in vimux
* [vimux-jest-test]( Run jest tests in vimux