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13 years ago
# vimux
Easily interact with tmux from vim. This project is still in development so some features are still missing.
## Installation
With **[vim-bundle](**: `vim-bundle install benmills/vimux`
## Usage
### RunVimTmuxCommand
Run a system command in a small horizontal split bellow the current pane vim is in.
" Run the current file with rspec
map <Leader>zr :call RunVimTmuxCommand("clear %% rspec " . bufname("%"))<CR>
### CloseVimTmuxWindows
Close all other tmux panes in the current window.
" Close all other tmux panes in current window
map <Leader>zc :call CloseVimTmuxWindows()<CR>
## Todo
* Add the ability to target any tmux session, window and pane