2016-05-05 22:31:07 +03:00

195 lines
6.1 KiB

"""SSH format parsing and formatting tools."""
import base64
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import ecdsa
import ed25519
from . import util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Supported ECDSA curves
CURVE_NIST256 = 'nist256p1'
CURVE_ED25519 = 'ed25519'
# SSH key types
SSH_NIST256_DER_OCTET = b'\x04'
SSH_NIST256_KEY_PREFIX = b'ecdsa-sha2-'
SSH_NIST256_CURVE_NAME = b'nistp256'
SSH_ED25519_KEY_TYPE = b'ssh-ed25519'
hashfunc = hashlib.sha256
def fingerprint(blob):
Compute SSH fingerprint for specified blob.
See for details.
digest = hashlib.md5(blob).digest()
return ':'.join('{:02x}'.format(c) for c in bytearray(digest))
def parse_pubkey(blob):
Parse SSH public key from given blob.
Construct a verifier for ECDSA signatures.
The verifier returns the signatures in the required SSH format.
Currently, NIST256P1 and ED25519 elliptic curves are supported.
fp = fingerprint(blob)
s = io.BytesIO(blob)
key_type = util.read_frame(s)
log.debug('key type: %s', key_type)
assert key_type in SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES, key_type
result = {'blob': blob, 'type': key_type, 'fingerprint': fp}
if key_type == SSH_NIST256_KEY_TYPE:
curve_name = util.read_frame(s)
log.debug('curve name: %s', curve_name)
point = util.read_frame(s)
assert == b''
_type, point = point[:1], point[1:]
assert _type == SSH_NIST256_DER_OCTET
size = len(point) // 2
assert len(point) == 2 * size
coords = (util.bytes2num(point[:size]), util.bytes2num(point[size:]))
curve = ecdsa.NIST256p
point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve.curve, *coords)
def ecdsa_verifier(sig, msg):
assert len(sig) == 2 * size
sig_decode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve, hashfunc)
vk.verify(signature=sig, data=msg, sigdecode=sig_decode)
parts = [sig[:size], sig[size:]]
return b''.join([util.frame(b'\x00' + p) for p in parts])
result.update(point=coords, curve=CURVE_NIST256,
if key_type == SSH_ED25519_KEY_TYPE:
pubkey = util.read_frame(s)
assert == b''
def ed25519_verify(sig, msg):
assert len(sig) == 64
vk = ed25519.VerifyingKey(pubkey)
vk.verify(sig, msg)
return sig
result.update(curve=CURVE_ED25519, verifier=ed25519_verify)
return result
def _decompress_ed25519(pubkey):
"""Load public key from the serialized blob (stripping the prefix byte)."""
if pubkey[:1] == b'\x00':
# set by Trezor fsm_msgSignIdentity() and fsm_msgGetPublicKey()
return ed25519.VerifyingKey(pubkey[1:])
def _decompress_nist256(pubkey):
Load public key from the serialized blob.
The leading byte least-significant bit is used to decide how to recreate
the y-coordinate from the specified x-coordinate. See bitcoin/
(from for details.
if pubkey[:1] in {b'\x02', b'\x03'}: # set by ecdsa_get_public_key33()
curve = ecdsa.NIST256p
P = curve.curve.p()
A = curve.curve.a()
B = curve.curve.b()
x = util.bytes2num(pubkey[1:33])
beta = pow(int(x * x * x + A * x + B), int((P + 1) // 4), int(P))
p0 = util.bytes2num(pubkey[:1])
y = (P - beta) if ((beta + p0) % 2) else beta
point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve.curve, x, y)
return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=curve,
def decompress_pubkey(pubkey, curve_name):
Load public key from the serialized blob.
Raise ValueError on parsing error.
vk = None
if len(pubkey) == 33:
decompress = {
CURVE_NIST256: _decompress_nist256,
CURVE_ED25519: _decompress_ed25519
vk = decompress(pubkey)
if not vk:
msg = 'invalid {!s} public key: {!r}'.format(curve_name, pubkey)
raise ValueError(msg)
return vk
def serialize_verifying_key(vk):
Serialize a public key into SSH format (for exporting to text format).
Currently, NIST256P1 and ED25519 elliptic curves are supported.
Raise TypeError on unsupported key format.
if isinstance(vk, ed25519.keys.VerifyingKey):
pubkey = vk.to_bytes()
key_type = SSH_ED25519_KEY_TYPE
blob = util.frame(SSH_ED25519_KEY_TYPE) + util.frame(pubkey)
return key_type, blob
if isinstance(vk, ecdsa.keys.VerifyingKey):
curve_name = SSH_NIST256_CURVE_NAME
key_blob = SSH_NIST256_DER_OCTET + vk.to_string()
parts = [SSH_NIST256_KEY_TYPE, curve_name, key_blob]
key_type = SSH_NIST256_KEY_TYPE
blob = b''.join([util.frame(p) for p in parts])
return key_type, blob
raise TypeError('unsupported {!r}'.format(vk))
def export_public_key(vk, label):
Export public key to text format.
The resulting string can be written into a .pub file or
appended to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
key_type, blob = serialize_verifying_key(vk)
log.debug('fingerprint: %s', fingerprint(blob))
b64 = base64.b64encode(blob).decode('ascii')
return '{} {} {}\n'.format(key_type.decode('ascii'), b64, label)
def import_public_key(line):
"""Parse public key textual format, as saved at a .pub file."""
log.debug('loading SSH public key: %r', line)
file_type, base64blob, name = line.split()
blob = base64.b64decode(base64blob)
result = parse_pubkey(blob)
result['name'] = name.encode('ascii')
assert result['type'] == file_type.encode('ascii')
log.debug('loaded %s public key: %s', file_type, result['fingerprint'])
return result