319 lines
10 KiB
319 lines
10 KiB
"""Decoders for GPG v2 data structures."""
import base64
import functools
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import struct
import ecdsa
import ed25519
from . import protocol
from .. import util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_subpackets(s):
"""See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section- for details."""
subpackets = []
total_size = s.readfmt('>H')
data = s.read(total_size)
s = util.Reader(io.BytesIO(data))
while True:
first = s.readfmt('B')
except EOFError:
if first < 192:
subpacket_len = first
elif first < 255:
subpacket_len = ((first - 192) << 8) + s.readfmt('B') + 192
else: # first == 255
subpacket_len = s.readfmt('>L')
return subpackets
def parse_mpi(s):
"""See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-3.2 for details."""
bits = s.readfmt('>H')
blob = bytearray(s.read(int((bits + 7) // 8)))
return sum(v << (8 * i) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(blob)))
def parse_mpis(s, n):
"""Parse multiple MPIs from stream."""
return [parse_mpi(s) for _ in range(n)]
def _parse_nist256p1_pubkey(mpi):
prefix, x, y = util.split_bits(mpi, 4, 256, 256)
if prefix != 4:
raise ValueError('Invalid MPI prefix: {}'.format(prefix))
point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve=ecdsa.NIST256p.curve,
x=x, y=y)
return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(
point=point, curve=ecdsa.curves.NIST256p,
def _parse_ed25519_pubkey(mpi):
prefix, value = util.split_bits(mpi, 8, 256)
if prefix != 0x40:
raise ValueError('Invalid MPI prefix: {}'.format(prefix))
return ed25519.VerifyingKey(util.num2bytes(value, size=32))
(_parse_nist256p1_pubkey, protocol.keygrip_nist256),
(_parse_ed25519_pubkey, protocol.keygrip_ed25519),
(_parse_ed25519_pubkey, protocol.keygrip_curve25519),
RSA_ALGO_IDS = {1, 2, 3}
ECDSA_ALGO_IDS = {18, 19, 22} # {ecdsa, nist256, ed25519}
def _parse_embedded_signatures(subpackets):
for packet in subpackets:
data = bytearray(packet)
if data[0] == 32:
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-
stream = io.BytesIO(data[1:])
yield _parse_signature(util.Reader(stream))
def has_custom_subpacket(signature_packet):
"""Detect our custom public keys by matching subpacket data."""
return any(protocol.CUSTOM_KEY_LABEL == subpacket[1:]
for subpacket in signature_packet['unhashed_subpackets'])
def _parse_signature(stream):
"""See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.2 for details."""
p = {'type': 'signature'}
to_hash = io.BytesIO()
with stream.capture(to_hash):
p['version'] = stream.readfmt('B')
p['sig_type'] = stream.readfmt('B')
p['pubkey_alg'] = stream.readfmt('B')
p['hash_alg'] = stream.readfmt('B')
p['hashed_subpackets'] = parse_subpackets(stream)
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.2.4
tail_to_hash = b'\x04\xff' + struct.pack('>L', to_hash.tell())
p['_to_hash'] = to_hash.getvalue() + tail_to_hash
p['unhashed_subpackets'] = parse_subpackets(stream)
embedded = list(_parse_embedded_signatures(p['unhashed_subpackets']))
if embedded:
log.debug('embedded sigs: %s', embedded)
p['embedded'] = embedded
p['hash_prefix'] = stream.readfmt('2s')
if p['pubkey_alg'] in ECDSA_ALGO_IDS:
p['sig'] = (parse_mpi(stream), parse_mpi(stream))
elif p['pubkey_alg'] in RSA_ALGO_IDS: # RSA
p['sig'] = (parse_mpi(stream),)
elif p['pubkey_alg'] == DSA_ALGO_ID:
p['sig'] = (parse_mpi(stream), parse_mpi(stream))
log.error('unsupported public key algo: %d', p['pubkey_alg'])
assert not stream.read()
return p
def _parse_pubkey(stream, packet_type='pubkey'):
"""See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.5 for details."""
p = {'type': packet_type}
packet = io.BytesIO()
with stream.capture(packet):
p['version'] = stream.readfmt('B')
p['created'] = stream.readfmt('>L')
p['algo'] = stream.readfmt('B')
if p['algo'] in ECDSA_ALGO_IDS:
log.debug('parsing elliptic curve key')
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6637#section-11
oid_size = stream.readfmt('B')
oid = stream.read(oid_size)
assert oid in SUPPORTED_CURVES, util.hexlify(oid)
p['curve_oid'] = oid
mpi = parse_mpi(stream)
log.debug('mpi: %x (%d bits)', mpi, mpi.bit_length())
leftover = stream.read()
if leftover:
leftover = io.BytesIO(leftover)
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6637#section-8
# should be b'\x03\x01\x08\x07': SHA256 + AES128
size, = util.readfmt(leftover, 'B')
p['kdf'] = leftover.read(size)
p['secret'] = leftover.read()
parse_func, keygrip_func = SUPPORTED_CURVES[oid]
keygrip = keygrip_func(parse_func(mpi))
log.debug('keygrip: %s', util.hexlify(keygrip))
p['keygrip'] = keygrip
elif p['algo'] == DSA_ALGO_ID:
parse_mpis(stream, n=4) # DSA keys are not supported
elif p['algo'] == ELGAMAL_ALGO_ID:
parse_mpis(stream, n=3) # ElGamal keys are not supported
else: # assume RSA
parse_mpis(stream, n=2) # RSA keys are not supported
assert not stream.read()
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-12.2
packet_data = packet.getvalue()
data_to_hash = (b'\x99' + struct.pack('>H', len(packet_data)) +
p['key_id'] = hashlib.sha1(data_to_hash).digest()[-8:]
p['_to_hash'] = data_to_hash
log.debug('key ID: %s', util.hexlify(p['key_id']))
return p
_parse_subkey = functools.partial(_parse_pubkey, packet_type='subkey')
def _parse_user_id(stream, packet_type='user_id'):
"""See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.11 for details."""
value = stream.read()
to_hash = b'\xb4' + util.prefix_len('>L', value)
return {'type': packet_type, 'value': value, '_to_hash': to_hash}
# User attribute is handled as an opaque user ID
_parse_attribute = functools.partial(_parse_user_id,
2: _parse_signature,
5: _parse_pubkey,
6: _parse_pubkey,
7: _parse_subkey,
13: _parse_user_id,
14: _parse_subkey,
17: _parse_attribute,
def parse_packets(stream):
Support iterative parsing of available GPG packets.
See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-4.2 for details.
reader = util.Reader(stream)
while True:
value = reader.readfmt('B')
except EOFError:
log.debug('prefix byte: %s', bin(value))
assert util.bit(value, 7) == 1
tag = util.low_bits(value, 6)
if util.bit(value, 6) == 0:
length_type = util.low_bits(tag, 2)
tag = tag >> 2
fmt = {0: '>B', 1: '>H', 2: '>L'}[length_type]
packet_size = reader.readfmt(fmt)
first = reader.readfmt('B')
if first < 192:
packet_size = first
elif first < 224:
packet_size = ((first - 192) << 8) + reader.readfmt('B') + 192
elif first == 255:
packet_size = reader.readfmt('>L')
log.error('Partial Body Lengths unsupported')
log.debug('packet length: %d', packet_size)
packet_data = reader.read(packet_size)
packet_type = PACKET_TYPES.get(tag)
p = {'type': 'unknown', 'tag': tag, 'raw': packet_data}
if packet_type is not None:
p = packet_type(util.Reader(io.BytesIO(packet_data)))
p['tag'] = tag
except ValueError:
log.exception('Skipping packet: %s', util.hexlify(packet_data))
log.debug('packet "%s": %s', p['type'], p)
yield p
def digest_packets(packets, hasher):
"""Compute digest on specified packets, according to '_to_hash' field."""
data_to_hash = io.BytesIO()
for p in packets:
return hasher.digest()
1: 'md5',
2: 'sha1',
3: 'ripemd160',
8: 'sha256',
9: 'sha384',
10: 'sha512',
11: 'sha224',
def load_by_keygrip(pubkey_bytes, keygrip):
"""Return public key and first user ID for specified keygrip."""
stream = io.BytesIO(pubkey_bytes)
packets = list(parse_packets(stream))
packets_per_pubkey = []
for p in packets:
if p['type'] == 'pubkey':
# Add a new packet list for each pubkey.
for packets in packets_per_pubkey:
user_ids = [p for p in packets if p['type'] == 'user_id']
for p in packets:
if p.get('keygrip') == keygrip:
return p, user_ids
raise KeyError('{} keygrip not found'.format(util.hexlify(keygrip)))
def load_signature(stream, original_data):
"""Load signature from stream, and compute GPG digest for verification."""
signature, = list(parse_packets((stream)))
hash_alg = HASH_ALGORITHMS[signature['hash_alg']]
digest = digest_packets([{'_to_hash': original_data}, signature],
assert signature['hash_prefix'] == digest[:2]
return signature, digest
def remove_armor(armored_data):
"""Decode armored data into its binary form."""
stream = io.BytesIO(armored_data)
lines = stream.readlines()[3:-1]
data = base64.b64decode(b''.join(lines))
payload, checksum = data[:-3], data[-3:]
assert util.crc24(payload) == checksum
return payload