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"""Ledger-related code (see"""
import binascii
import logging
import struct
from ledgerblue import comm
from . import interface
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _expand_path(path):
"""Convert BIP32 path into bytes."""
return b''.join((struct.pack('>I', e) for e in path))
def _convert_public_key(ecdsa_curve_name, result):
"""Convert Ledger reply into PublicKey object."""
if ecdsa_curve_name == 'nist256p1':
if (result[64] & 1) != 0:
result = bytearray([0x03]) + result[1:33]
result = bytearray([0x02]) + result[1:33]
result = result[1:]
keyX = bytearray(result[0:32])
keyY = bytearray(result[32:][::-1])
if (keyX[31] & 1) != 0:
keyY[31] |= 0x80
result = b'\x00' + bytes(keyY)
return bytes(result)
class LedgerNanoS(interface.Device):
"""Connection to Ledger Nano S device."""
def connect(self):
"""Enumerate and connect to the first USB HID interface."""
return comm.getDongle()
except comm.CommException as e:
raise interface.NotFoundError(
'{} not connected: "{}"'.format(self, e))
def pubkey(self, identity, ecdh=False):
"""Get PublicKey object for specified BIP32 address and elliptic curve."""
curve_name = identity.get_curve_name(ecdh)
path = _expand_path(identity.get_bip32_address(ecdh))
if curve_name == 'nist256p1':
p2 = '01'
p2 = '02'
apdu = '800200' + p2
apdu = binascii.unhexlify(apdu)
apdu += bytearray([len(path) + 1, len(path) // 4])
apdu += path
result = bytearray([1:]
return _convert_public_key(curve_name, result)
def sign(self, identity, blob):
"""Sign given blob and return the signature (as bytes)."""
path = _expand_path(identity.get_bip32_address(ecdh=False))
if identity.identity_dict['proto'] == 'ssh':
ins = '04'
p1 = '00'
ins = '08'
p1 = '00'
if identity.curve_name == 'nist256p1':
p2 = '81' if identity.identity_dict['proto'] == 'ssh' else '01'
p2 = '82' if identity.identity_dict['proto'] == 'ssh' else '02'
apdu = '80' + ins + p1 + p2
apdu = binascii.unhexlify(apdu)
apdu += bytearray([len(blob) + len(path) + 1])
apdu += bytearray([len(path) // 4]) + path
apdu += blob
result = bytearray(
if identity.curve_name == 'nist256p1':
offset = 3
length = result[offset]
r = result[offset+1:offset+1+length]
if r[0] == 0:
r = r[1:]
offset = offset + 1 + length + 1
length = result[offset]
s = result[offset+1:offset+1+length]
if s[0] == 0:
s = s[1:]
offset = offset + 1 + length
return bytes(r) + bytes(s)
return bytes(result[:64])
def ecdh(self, identity, pubkey):
"""Get shared session key using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman."""
path = _expand_path(identity.get_bip32_address(ecdh=True))
if identity.curve_name == 'nist256p1':
p2 = '01'
p2 = '02'
apdu = '800a00' + p2
apdu = binascii.unhexlify(apdu)
apdu += bytearray([len(pubkey) + len(path) + 1])
apdu += bytearray([len(path) // 4]) + path
apdu += pubkey
result = bytearray(
assert result[0] == 0x04
return bytes(result)