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"""SSH-agent implementation using hardware authentication devices."""
import argparse
import functools
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from . import client, device, formats, protocol, server, util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def ssh_args(label):
"""Create SSH command for connecting specified server."""
identity = device.interface.string_to_identity(label)
args = []
if 'port' in identity:
args += ['-p', identity['port']]
if 'user' in identity:
args += ['-l', identity['user']]
return args + [identity['host']]
def create_parser():
"""Create argparse.ArgumentParser for this tool."""
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count')
curve_names = [name for name in formats.SUPPORTED_CURVES]
curve_names = ', '.join(sorted(curve_names))
p.add_argument('-e', '--ecdsa-curve-name', metavar='CURVE',
help='specify ECDSA curve name: ' + curve_names)
default=server.UNIX_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, type=float,
help='Timeout for accepting SSH client connections')
p.add_argument('--debug', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Log SSH protocol messages for debugging.')
return p
def create_agent_parser():
"""Specific parser for SSH connection."""
p = create_parser()
g = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
g.add_argument('-s', '--shell', default=False, action='store_true',
help='run ${SHELL} as subprocess under SSH agent')
g.add_argument('-c', '--connect', default=False, action='store_true',
help='connect to specified host via SSH')
g.add_argument('--mosh', default=False, action='store_true',
help='connect to specified host via using Mosh')
p.add_argument('identity', type=str, default=None,
p.add_argument('command', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='ARGUMENT',
help='command to run under the SSH agent')
return p
def create_git_parser():
"""Specific parser for git commands."""
p = create_parser()
p.add_argument('-r', '--remote', default='origin',
help='use this git remote URL to generate SSH identity')
p.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true',
help='test connection using `ssh -T user@host` command')
p.add_argument('command', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='ARGUMENT',
help='Git command to run under the SSH agent')
return p
def git_host(remote_name, attributes):
"""Extract git SSH host for specified remote name."""
output = subprocess.check_output('git config --local --list'.split())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
for attribute in attributes:
name = r'remote.{0}.{1}'.format(remote_name, attribute)
matches = re.findall(re.escape(name) + '=(.*)', output)
log.debug('%r: %r', name, matches)
if not matches:
url = matches[0].strip()
match = re.match('(?P<user>.*?)@(?P<host>.*?):(?P<path>.*)', url)
if match:
return '{user}@{host}'.format(**match.groupdict())
def run_server(conn, public_keys, command, debug, timeout):
"""Common code for run_agent and run_git below."""
signer = conn.sign_ssh_challenge
handler = protocol.Handler(keys=public_keys, signer=signer,
with server.serve(handler=handler, timeout=timeout) as env:
return server.run_process(command=command, environ=env)
except KeyboardInterrupt:'server stopped')
def handle_connection_error(func):
"""Fail with non-zero exit code."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except IOError as e:
log.error('Connection error: %s', e)
return 1
return wrapper
def parse_config(fname):
"""Parse config file into a list of Identity objects."""
contents = open(fname).read()
for identity_str, curve_name in re.findall(r'\<(.*?)\|(.*?)\>', contents):
yield device.interface.Identity(identity_str=identity_str,
def run_agent(client_factory=client.Client):
"""Run ssh-agent using given hardware client factory."""
args = create_agent_parser().parse_args()
conn = client_factory(device=device.detect())
if args.identity.startswith('/'):
identities = list(parse_config(fname=args.identity))
identities = [device.interface.Identity(
identity_str=args.identity, curve_name=args.ecdsa_curve_name)]
for index, identity in enumerate(identities):
identity.identity_dict['proto'] = 'ssh''identity #%d: %s', index, identity)
public_keys = [conn.get_public_key(i) for i in identities]
if args.connect:
command = ['ssh'] + ssh_args(args.identity) + args.command
elif args.mosh:
command = ['mosh'] + ssh_args(args.identity) + args.command
command = args.command
use_shell = bool(
if use_shell:
command = os.environ['SHELL']
if not command:
for pk in public_keys:
public_keys = [formats.import_public_key(pk) for pk in public_keys]
for pk, identity in zip(public_keys, identities):
pk['identity'] = identity
return run_server(conn=conn, public_keys=public_keys, command=command,
debug=args.debug, timeout=args.timeout)