150 lines
4.9 KiB
150 lines
4.9 KiB
"""GPG-agent utilities."""
import binascii
import logging
from . import decode, client, keyring, protocol
from .. import util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def yield_connections(sock):
"""Run a server on the specified socket."""
while True:
log.debug('waiting for connection on %s', sock.getsockname())
conn, _ = sock.accept()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
log.debug('accepted connection on %s', sock.getsockname())
yield conn
def serialize(data):
"""Serialize data according to ASSUAN protocol."""
for c in [b'%', b'\n', b'\r']:
escaped = '%{:02X}'.format(ord(c)).encode('ascii')
data = data.replace(c, escaped)
return data
def sig_encode(r, s):
"""Serialize ECDSA signature data into GPG S-expression."""
r = serialize(util.num2bytes(r, 32))
s = serialize(util.num2bytes(s, 32))
return b'(7:sig-val(5:ecdsa(1:r32:' + r + b')(1:s32:' + s + b')))'
def open_connection(keygrip_bytes):
Connect to the device for the specified keygrip.
Parse GPG public key to find the first user ID, which is used to
specify the correct signature/decryption key on the device.
pubkey_dict, user_ids = decode.load_by_keygrip(
# We assume the first user ID is used to generate TREZOR-based GPG keys.
user_id = user_ids[0]['value'].decode('ascii')
curve_name = protocol.get_curve_name_by_oid(pubkey_dict['curve_oid'])
ecdh = (pubkey_dict['algo'] == protocol.ECDH_ALGO_ID)
conn = client.Client(user_id, curve_name=curve_name)
pubkey = protocol.PublicKey(
curve_name=curve_name, created=pubkey_dict['created'],
verifying_key=conn.pubkey(ecdh=ecdh), ecdh=ecdh)
assert pubkey.key_id() == pubkey_dict['key_id']
assert pubkey.keygrip == keygrip_bytes
return conn
def pksign(keygrip, digest, algo):
"""Sign a message digest using a private EC key."""
log.debug('signing %r digest (algo #%s)', digest, algo)
keygrip_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(keygrip)
conn = open_connection(keygrip_bytes)
r, s = conn.sign(binascii.unhexlify(digest))
result = sig_encode(r, s)
log.debug('result: %r', result)
return result
def _serialize_point(data):
prefix = '{}:'.format(len(data)).encode('ascii')
# https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/assuan/Server-responses.html
return b'(5:value' + serialize(prefix + data) + b')'
def parse_ecdh(line):
"""Parse ECDH request and return remote public key."""
prefix, line = line.split(b' ', 1)
assert prefix == b'D'
exp, leftover = keyring.parse(keyring.unescape(line))
log.debug('ECDH s-exp: %r', exp)
assert not leftover
label, exp = exp
assert label == b'enc-val'
assert exp[0] == b'ecdh'
items = exp[1:]
log.debug('ECDH parameters: %r', items)
return dict(items)[b'e']
def pkdecrypt(keygrip, conn):
"""Handle decryption using ECDH."""
keyring.sendline(conn, msg)
line = keyring.recvline(conn)
assert keyring.recvline(conn) == b'END'
remote_pubkey = parse_ecdh(line)
keygrip_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(keygrip)
conn = open_connection(keygrip_bytes)
return _serialize_point(conn.ecdh(remote_pubkey))
def handle_connection(conn):
"""Handle connection from GPG binary using the ASSUAN protocol."""
keygrip = None
digest = None
algo = None
version = keyring.gpg_version() # "Clone" existing GPG version
keyring.sendline(conn, b'OK')
for line in keyring.iterlines(conn):
parts = line.split(b' ')
command = parts[0]
args = parts[1:]
if command in {b'RESET', b'OPTION', b'HAVEKEY', b'SETKEYDESC'}:
pass # reply with OK
elif command == b'GETINFO':
keyring.sendline(conn, b'D ' + version)
elif command == b'AGENT_ID':
keyring.sendline(conn, b'D TREZOR') # "Fake" agent ID
elif command in {b'SIGKEY', b'SETKEY'}:
keygrip, = args
elif command == b'SETHASH':
algo, digest = args
elif command == b'PKSIGN':
sig = pksign(keygrip, digest, algo)
keyring.sendline(conn, b'D ' + sig)
elif command == b'PKDECRYPT':
sec = pkdecrypt(keygrip, conn)
keyring.sendline(conn, b'D ' + sec)
elif command == b'KEYINFO':
keygrip, = args
# Dummy reply (mainly for 'gpg --edit' to succeed).
# For details, see GnuPG agent KEYINFO command help.
fmt = 'S KEYINFO {0} X - - - - - - -'
keyring.sendline(conn, fmt.format(keygrip).encode('ascii'))
elif command == b'BYE':
log.error('unknown request: %r', line)
keyring.sendline(conn, b'OK')