# Using Trezor as a hardware SSH agent ## Screencast demo usage [![Demo](https://asciinema.org/a/22959.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/22959) ## Installation First, make sure that the latest `trezorlib` Python package is installed correctly: $ pip install Cython trezor Then, install the latest `trezor_agent` package: $ pip install trezor_agent ## Public key generation Run: $ trezor-agent ssh.hostname.com -v > hostname.pub Append `hostname.pub` contents to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` configuration file at `ssh.hostname.com`, so the remote server would allow you to login using the corresponding private key signature. ## Usage Run: $ trezor-agent ssh.hostname.com -v -c Make sure to confirm SSH signature on the Trezor device when requested.