""" TREZOR support for ECDSA GPG signatures. See these links for more details: - https://www.gnupg.org/faq/whats-new-in-2.1.html - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880 - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6637 - https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-eddsa-05 """ import argparse import contextlib import functools import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys import time import pkg_resources import semver from . import agent, client, encode, keyring, protocol from .. import device, formats, server, util log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def export_public_key(device_type, args): """Generate a new pubkey for a new/existing GPG identity.""" log.warning('NOTE: in order to re-generate the exact same GPG key later, ' 'run this command with "--time=%d" commandline flag (to set ' 'the timestamp of the GPG key manually).', args.time) c = client.Client(device=device_type()) identity = client.create_identity(user_id=args.user_id, curve_name=args.ecdsa_curve) verifying_key = c.pubkey(identity=identity, ecdh=False) decryption_key = c.pubkey(identity=identity, ecdh=True) signer_func = functools.partial(c.sign, identity=identity) if args.subkey: # add as subkey log.info('adding %s GPG subkey for "%s" to existing key', args.ecdsa_curve, args.user_id) # subkey for signing signing_key = protocol.PublicKey( curve_name=args.ecdsa_curve, created=args.time, verifying_key=verifying_key, ecdh=False) # subkey for encryption encryption_key = protocol.PublicKey( curve_name=formats.get_ecdh_curve_name(args.ecdsa_curve), created=args.time, verifying_key=decryption_key, ecdh=True) primary_bytes = keyring.export_public_key(args.user_id) result = encode.create_subkey(primary_bytes=primary_bytes, subkey=signing_key, signer_func=signer_func) result = encode.create_subkey(primary_bytes=result, subkey=encryption_key, signer_func=signer_func) else: # add as primary log.info('creating new %s GPG primary key for "%s"', args.ecdsa_curve, args.user_id) # primary key for signing primary = protocol.PublicKey( curve_name=args.ecdsa_curve, created=args.time, verifying_key=verifying_key, ecdh=False) # subkey for encryption subkey = protocol.PublicKey( curve_name=formats.get_ecdh_curve_name(args.ecdsa_curve), created=args.time, verifying_key=decryption_key, ecdh=True) result = encode.create_primary(user_id=args.user_id, pubkey=primary, signer_func=signer_func) result = encode.create_subkey(primary_bytes=result, subkey=subkey, signer_func=signer_func) return protocol.armor(result, 'PUBLIC KEY BLOCK') def verify_gpg_version(): """Make sure that the installed GnuPG is not too old.""" existing_gpg = keyring.gpg_version().decode('ascii') required_gpg = '>=2.1.11' msg = 'Existing GnuPG has version "{}" ({} required)'.format(existing_gpg, required_gpg) assert semver.match(existing_gpg, required_gpg), msg def check_output(args): """Runs command and returns the output as string.""" log.debug('run: %s', args) out = subprocess.check_output(args=args).decode('utf-8') log.debug('out: %r', out) return out def check_call(args, stdin=None, env=None): """Runs command and verifies its success.""" log.debug('run: %s%s', args, ' {}'.format(env) if env else '') subprocess.check_call(args=args, stdin=stdin, env=env) def write_file(path, data): """Writes data to specified path.""" with open(path, 'w') as f: log.debug('setting %s contents:\n%s', path, data) f.write(data) return f def run_init(device_type, args): """Initialize hardware-based GnuPG identity.""" util.setup_logging(verbosity=args.verbose) log.warning('This GPG tool is still in EXPERIMENTAL mode, ' 'so please note that the API and features may ' 'change without backwards compatibility!') verify_gpg_version() # Prepare new GPG home directory for hardware-based identity device_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).rsplit('-', 1)[0] log.info('device name: %s', device_name) homedir = os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg/{}'.format(device_name)) log.info('GPG home directory: %s', homedir) check_call(['rm', '-rf', homedir]) check_call(['mkdir', '-p', homedir]) check_call(['chmod', '700', homedir]) agent_path = util.which('{}-gpg-agent'.format(device_name)) # Prepare GPG agent invocation script (to pass the PATH from environment). with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'run-agent.sh'), 'w') as f: f.write("""#!/bin/sh export PATH={0} {1} $* """.format(os.environ['PATH'], agent_path)) check_call(['chmod', 'u+x', f.name]) run_agent_script = f.name # Prepare GPG configuration file with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'gpg.conf'), 'w') as f: f.write("""# Hardware-based GPG configuration agent-program {0} personal-digest-preferences SHA512 default-key \"{1}\" """.format(run_agent_script, args.user_id)) # Prepare GPG agent configuration file with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'gpg-agent.conf'), 'w') as f: f.write("""# Hardware-based GPG agent emulator log-file {0}/gpg-agent.log verbosity 2 """.format(homedir)) # Prepare a helper script for setting up the new identity with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'env'), 'w') as f: f.write("""#!/bin/bash set -eu export GNUPGHOME={0} COMMAND=$* if [ -z "${{COMMAND}}" ] then ${{SHELL}} else ${{COMMAND}} fi """.format(homedir)) check_call(['chmod', 'u+x', f.name]) # Generate new GPG identity and import into GPG keyring pubkey = write_file(os.path.join(homedir, 'pubkey.asc'), export_public_key(device_type, args)) gpg_binary = keyring.get_gnupg_binary() check_call([gpg_binary, '--homedir', homedir, '--quiet', '--import', pubkey.name]) # Make new GPG identity with "ultimate" trust (via its fingerprint) out = check_output([gpg_binary, '--homedir', homedir, '--list-public-keys', '--with-fingerprint', '--with-colons']) fpr = re.findall('fpr:::::::::([0-9A-F]+):', out)[0] f = write_file(os.path.join(homedir, 'ownertrust.txt'), fpr + ':6\n') check_call([gpg_binary, '--homedir', homedir, '--import-ownertrust', f.name]) # Load agent and make sure it responds with the new identity check_call([gpg_binary, '--list-secret-keys'], env={'GNUPGHOME': homedir}) def run_unlock(device_type, args): """Unlock hardware device (for future interaction).""" util.setup_logging(verbosity=args.verbose) with device_type() as d: log.info('unlocked %s device', d) def run_agent(device_type): """Run a simple GPG-agent server.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--homedir', default=os.environ.get('GNUPGHOME')) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() assert args.homedir config_file = os.path.join(args.homedir, 'gpg-agent.conf') lines = (line.strip() for line in open(config_file)) lines = (line for line in lines if line and not line.startswith('#')) config = dict(line.split(' ', 1) for line in lines) util.setup_logging(verbosity=int(config['verbosity']), filename=config['log-file']) log.debug('sys.argv: %s', sys.argv) log.debug('os.environ: %s', os.environ) log.debug('pid: %d, parent pid: %d', os.getpid(), os.getppid()) try: env = {'GNUPGHOME': args.homedir} sock_path = keyring.get_agent_sock_path(env=env) pubkey_bytes = keyring.export_public_keys(env=env) handler = agent.Handler(device=device_type(), pubkey_bytes=pubkey_bytes) with server.unix_domain_socket_server(sock_path) as sock: for conn in agent.yield_connections(sock): with contextlib.closing(conn): try: handler.handle(conn) except agent.AgentStop: log.info('stopping gpg-agent') return except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception('handler failed: %s', e) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception('gpg-agent failed: %s', e) def main(device_type): """Parse command-line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() agent_package = device_type.package_name() resources_map = {r.key: r for r in pkg_resources.require(agent_package)} resources = [resources_map[agent_package], resources_map['libagent']] versions = '\n'.join('{}={}'.format(r.key, r.version) for r in resources) parser.add_argument('--version', help='print the version info', action='version', version=versions) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Action', dest='action') subparsers.required = True p = subparsers.add_parser('init', help='initialize hardware-based GnuPG identity') p.add_argument('user_id') p.add_argument('-e', '--ecdsa-curve', default='nist256p1') p.add_argument('-t', '--time', type=int, default=int(time.time())) p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count') p.add_argument('-s', '--subkey', default=False, action='store_true') p.set_defaults(func=run_init) p = subparsers.add_parser('unlock', help='unlock the hardware device') p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count') p.set_defaults(func=run_unlock) args = parser.parse_args() return args.func(device_type=device_type, args=args)