"""UIs for PIN/passphrase entry.""" import logging import os import subprocess from .. import util log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UI(object): """UI for PIN/passphrase entry (for TREZOR devices).""" def __init__(self, device_type, config=None): """C-tor.""" default_pinentry = 'pinentry' # by default, use GnuPG pinentry tool if config is None: config = {} self.pin_entry_binary = config.get('pin_entry_binary', default_pinentry) self.passphrase_entry_binary = config.get('passphrase_entry_binary', default_pinentry) self.options_getter = create_default_options_getter() self.device_name = device_type.__name__ def get_pin(self): """Ask the user for (scrambled) PIN.""" description = ( 'Use the numeric keypad to describe number positions.\n' 'The layout is:\n' ' 7 8 9\n' ' 4 5 6\n' ' 1 2 3') return interact( title='{} PIN'.format(self.device_name), prompt='PIN:', description=description, binary=self.pin_entry_binary, options=self.options_getter()) def get_passphrase(self): """Ask the user for passphrase.""" return interact( title='{} passphrase'.format(self.device_name), prompt='Passphrase:', description=None, binary=self.passphrase_entry_binary, options=self.options_getter()) def create_default_options_getter(): """Return current TTY and DISPLAY settings for GnuPG pinentry.""" options = [] try: ttyname = subprocess.check_output(args=['tty']).strip() options.append(b'ttyname=' + ttyname) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.warning('no TTY found: %s', e) display = os.environ.get('DISPLAY') if display is not None: options.append('display={}'.format(display).encode('ascii')) else: log.warning('DISPLAY not defined') log.info('using %s for pinentry options', options) return lambda: options def write(p, line): """Send and flush a single line to the subprocess' stdin.""" log.debug('%s <- %r', p.args, line) p.stdin.write(line) p.stdin.flush() class UnexpectedError(Exception): """Unexpected response.""" def expect(p, prefixes, confidential=False): """Read a line and return it without required prefix.""" resp = p.stdout.readline() log.debug('%s -> %r', p.args, resp if not confidential else '********') for prefix in prefixes: if resp.startswith(prefix): return resp[len(prefix):] raise UnexpectedError(resp) def interact(title, description, prompt, binary, options): """Use GPG pinentry program to interact with the user.""" args = [binary] p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ) p.args = args # TODO: remove after Python 2 deprecation. expect(p, [b'OK']) title = util.assuan_serialize(title.encode('ascii')) write(p, b'SETTITLE ' + title + b'\n') expect(p, [b'OK']) if description: description = util.assuan_serialize(description.encode('ascii')) write(p, b'SETDESC ' + description + b'\n') expect(p, [b'OK']) if prompt: prompt = util.assuan_serialize(prompt.encode('ascii')) write(p, b'SETPROMPT ' + prompt + b'\n') expect(p, [b'OK']) log.debug('setting %d options', len(options)) for opt in options: write(p, b'OPTION ' + opt + b'\n') expect(p, [b'OK', b'ERR']) write(p, b'GETPIN\n') pin = expect(p, [b'OK', b'D '], confidential=True) p.communicate() # close stdin and wait for the process to exit exit_code = p.wait() if exit_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(exit_code, binary) return pin.decode('ascii').strip()