"""Various I/O and serialization utilities.""" import io import struct def send(conn, data): """Send data blob to connection socket.""" conn.sendall(data) def recv(conn, size): """ Receive bytes from connection socket or stream. If size is struct.calcsize()-compatible format, use it to unpack the data. Otherwise, return the plain blob as bytes. """ try: fmt = size size = struct.calcsize(fmt) except TypeError: fmt = None try: _read = conn.recv except AttributeError: _read = conn.read res = io.BytesIO() while size > 0: buf = _read(size) if not buf: raise EOFError size = size - len(buf) res.write(buf) res = res.getvalue() if fmt: return struct.unpack(fmt, res) else: return res def read_frame(conn): """Read size-prefixed frame from connection.""" size, = recv(conn, '>L') return recv(conn, size) def bytes2num(s): """Convert MSB-first bytes to an unsigned integer.""" res = 0 for i, c in enumerate(reversed(bytearray(s))): res += c << (i * 8) return res def num2bytes(value, size): """Convert an unsigned integer to MSB-first bytes with specified size.""" res = [] for _ in range(size): res.append(value & 0xFF) value = value >> 8 assert value == 0 return bytearray(list(reversed(res))) def pack(fmt, *args): """Serialize MSB-first message.""" return struct.pack('>' + fmt, *args) def frame(*msgs): """Serialize MSB-first length-prefixed frame.""" res = io.BytesIO() for msg in msgs: res.write(msg) msg = res.getvalue() return pack('L', len(msg)) + msg