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import os
import re
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
9 years ago
from . import trezor
from . import server
from . import formats
9 years ago
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def identity_from_gitconfig():
out = subprocess.check_output(args='git config --list --local'.split())
lines = out.strip().split('\n')
config = [line.split('=', 1) for line in lines]
config_dict = dict(item for item in config if len(item) == 2)
name_regex = re.compile(r'^remote\..*\.trezor$')
names = [item[0] for item in config if name_regex.match(item[0])]
if len(names) != 1:
log.error('please add "trezor" key to a single remote section at .git/config')
key_name = names[0]
identity_label = config_dict.get(key_name)
if identity_label:
return identity_label
section_name, _ = key_name.rsplit('.', 1) # extract remote name marked as TREZOR's
key_name = section_name + '.url'
url = config_dict[key_name]
log.debug('using "%s=%s" from git-config', key_name, url)
user, url = url.split('@', 1)
host, path = url.split(':', 1)
return 'ssh://{0}@{1}/{2}'.format(user, host, path)
def main():
fmt = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-12s %(message)-100s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d]'
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count')
p.add_argument('identity', type=str, default=None,
g = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
g.add_argument('-s', '--shell', default=False, action='store_true',
help='run $SHELL as subprocess under SSH agent')
g.add_argument('-c', '--connect', default=False, action='store_true',
help='connect to specified host via SSH')
p.add_argument('command', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='ARGUMENT',
help='command to run under the SSH agent')
args = p.parse_args()
levels = [logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
level = levels[min(args.verbose, len(levels) - 1)]
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=fmt)
with trezor.Client(factory=trezor.TrezorLibrary) as client:
label = args.identity
command = args.command
if label == 'git':
label = identity_from_gitconfig()'using identity %r for git command %r', label, command)
if command:
command = ['git'] + command
identity = client.get_identity(label=label)
public_key = client.get_public_key(identity=identity)
use_shell = False
if args.connect:
to_ascii = lambda s: s.encode('ascii')
command = ['ssh', to_ascii(]
if identity.user:
command += ['-l', to_ascii(identity.user)]
if identity.port:
command += ['-p', to_ascii(identity.port)]
log.debug('SSH connect: %r', command)
command = args.command + command
command, use_shell = os.environ['SHELL'], True
log.debug('using shell: %r', command)
if not command:
def signer(label, blob):
identity = client.get_identity(label=label)
return client.sign_ssh_challenge(identity=identity, blob=blob)
with server.serve(public_keys=[public_key], signer=signer) as env:
return server.run_process(command=command, environ=env,
except KeyboardInterrupt:'server stopped')