Building bitcoin with a gitian-builder Docker container ======================================================= This image allows automated gitian builds of bitcoin using a docker container. Before proceeding make sure you have created the necessary *wheezy* and *gitian-host* images, see [these instructions](../gitian-host/ for the creation of both. Afterwards you can create the *gitian-bitcoin-host* image by running [scripts/](../scripts/ NOTE: this image currently supports only building of bitcoin 0.9.1, but it can be easily adapted to build other versions. You can submit the source lists for other versions as a patch or pull request, see directory [input-sources/](input-sources/) for currently available versions. Preamble -------- It is **necessary** that before you using these scripts you read them and understand what they do. Why? Because your goal is to create a gitian build (deterministic) that has not been tampered with. See also: - - - - - - Spawning a container -------------------- You can spawn a new container for Gitian bitcoin builds with: - [scripts/](scripts/ This script will create the running docker container and provide details about how to connect via SSH to the container, example: ``` $ scripts/ You can now SSH into container 3bc0d0611374ca4d4730fd5fb1067808b1bcfd072ec7cf029393a7fd99ec856e: ssh -o SendEnv= -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no debian@ $ ``` Use this specific SSH command line to get a shell in the container and proceed to next steps. **NOTE:** the SendEnv= is there to overcome an [issue]( in gitian-builder that allows pollution of the LXC environment. Preparing the gitian environment -------------------------------- First prepare the base VMs inside the gitian host container by running: - [./](../gitian-host/ This operation will take a while; afterwards you can proceed to building bitcoin with: - [./]( 0.9.1 Notice the parameter 0.9.1, that is the version we are going to build. []( is a script that will download & build all the dependencies and then bitcoin itself, for both i386 and amd64 Linux architectures. Signing ------- Now you have completed the build of bitcoin and only the signing part is left. Before doing that, you can verify if signatures are matching with those of [other developers]( by peeking inside *~/gitian.sigs* of the running container. In order to sign you have to either put your private key in the container's *~/.gnupg* or perform the signing externally, at your option. If you have the private key in the container (also displayed by `gpg -K`), then you can use the []( script that is already in the running container, otherwise run it (with failure) and then copy the *~/gitian.sigs~ directory to another machine to apply the GPG signature. Submitting your signature ------------------------- If everything went well, you can fork the [gitian sigs repo](, commit your signatures and submit a pull request for inclusion.