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<time datetime="2014-01-29T16:12:00+01:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Jan 29<span>th</span>, 2014</time></div>
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<a class='category' href='/blog/blog/categories/angular/'>angular</a>, <a class='category' href='/blog/blog/categories/tips/'>tips</a>
<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/adblock-can-block-angular-loading-views/" itemprop="url">AdBlock Can Block Angular From Loading Views</a></h1>
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<p>Every developer knows the feeling of hitting a weird bug, but I must admitt I was not prepared for this one.</p>
<p>It appears that if you have the Adblock extension installed, and have some Angular view names belonging to Adblock filter
list, then AdBlock can</p>
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<time datetime="2013-04-18T11:51:00+02:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Apr 18<span>th</span>, 2013</time></div>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/" itemprop="url">My Most Valuable Lesson in Life Learnt the Hard Way</a></h1>
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<p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it&#8217;s boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic &#8230;
everything that does not seem to exist in &#8220;real life&#8221;.</p>
<a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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<time datetime="2013-03-06T20:01:00+01:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Mar 6<span>th</span>, 2013</time></div>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/redesigning-jibli-lessons-learned-form-hack-design-part-1/" itemprop="url">Redesigning Jibli - Lessons Learned Form Hack Design Part 1</a></h1>
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<p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend&#8217;s thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
<a href="/blog/redesigning-jibli-lessons-learned-form-hack-design-part-1/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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<time datetime="2012-04-29T20:26:09+02:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Apr 29<span>th</span>, 2012</time></div>
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<a class='category' href='/blog/blog/categories/it/'>IT</a>, <a class='category' href='/blog/blog/categories/programming/'>programming</a>, <a class='category' href='/blog/blog/categories/python/'>python</a>
<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/Development-as-a-Service/" itemprop="url">Development as a Service on Its Baby Steps</a></h1>
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<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it&#8217;s an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it&#8217;s first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let&#8217;s analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<a href="/blog/Development-as-a-Service/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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