# Angustrap My personnal web app seed project. Uses: AngularJS, coffeescript, bootstrap, less, animate.css ... ## Status Not ready for use. To start using: * `git submodule init && git submodule update` * `./scripts/web-server.js` * App code is located in app/coffee ## Noted differences from angular-seed * The use of coffeescript requires that Angular be [bootstrapped manually](http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/bootstrap). * `ng-app` has been removed from `html` element of `index.html` * `angular.bootstrap` called in `app.coffee` * In `angular-seed` controllers are defined as global functions. Since coffeescript runs in an anonymous function, the controllers need to be attached directly to the `window` object ## TODOs * use Require.js * Port tests to coffeescript (currently still js) * add build system * add modernizr