describe('my app', function() { beforeEach(function() { browser().navigateTo('../../app/index.html'); }); it('should automatically redirect to /view1 when location hash/fragment is empty', function() { expect(browser().location().hash()).toBe("/view1"); }); describe('view1', function() { beforeEach(function() { browser().navigateTo('#/view1'); }); it('should render view1 when user navigates to /view1', function() { expect(element('ng\\:include p:first').text()). toMatch(/partial for view 1/) }); }); describe('view2', function() { beforeEach(function() { browser().navigateTo('#/view2'); }); it('should render view1 when user navigates to /view2', function() { expect(element('ng\\:include p:first').text()). toMatch(/partial for view 2/) }); }); });