You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

360 lines
7.8 KiB

package main
import (
var testTable = map[string]struct {
config Config
options *Options
context Context
startCommands []string
stopCommands []string
commanderOutputs []string
"test with 1 window": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "~/root",
BeforeStart: []string{"command1", "command2"},
Windows: []Window{
Name: "win1",
Commands: []string{"command1"},
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"/bin/sh -c command1",
"/bin/sh -c command2",
"tmux new -Pd -s ses -n smug_def -c smug/root",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c smug/root -F #{window_id} -n win1",
"tmux send-keys -t win1 command1 Enter",
"tmux select-layout -t win1 even-horizontal",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:smug_def",
"tmux move-window -r -s ses: -t ses:",
"tmux attach -d -t ses:win1",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
[]string{"ses", "win1"},
"test with 1 window and Detach: true": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
BeforeStart: []string{"command1", "command2"},
Windows: []Window{
Name: "win1",
Detach: true,
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"/bin/sh -c command1",
"/bin/sh -c command2",
"tmux new -Pd -s ses -n smug_def -c root",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c root -F #{window_id} -n win1",
"tmux select-layout -t xyz even-horizontal",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:smug_def",
"tmux move-window -r -s ses: -t ses:",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
"test with multiple windows and panes": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
Name: "win1",
Manual: false,
Layout: "main-horizontal",
Panes: []Pane{
Type: "horizontal",
Commands: []string{"command1"},
Name: "win2",
Manual: true,
Layout: "tiled",
Stop: []string{
"stop2 -d --foo=bar",
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux new -Pd -s ses -n smug_def -c root",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c root -F #{window_id} -n win1",
"tmux split-window -Pd -h -t win1 -c root -F #{pane_id}",
"tmux send-keys -t win1.1 command1 Enter",
"tmux select-layout -t win1 main-horizontal",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:smug_def",
"tmux move-window -r -s ses: -t ses:",
"tmux attach -d -t ses:win1",
"/bin/sh -c stop1",
"/bin/sh -c stop2 -d --foo=bar",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
[]string{"ses", "ses", "win1", "1"},
"test start windows from option's Windows parameter": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
Name: "win1",
Manual: false,
Name: "win2",
Manual: true,
Windows: []string{"win2"},
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux new -Pd -s ses -n smug_def -c root",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c root -F #{window_id} -n win2",
"tmux select-layout -t xyz even-horizontal",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:smug_def",
"tmux move-window -r -s ses: -t ses:",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:win2",
"test attach to the existing session": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
{Name: "win1"},
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux attach -d -t ses:",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
"test start a new session from another tmux session": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
&Options{Attach: false},
Context{InsideTmuxSession: true},
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux new -Pd -s ses -n smug_def -c root",
"tmux kill-window -t ses:smug_def",
"tmux move-window -r -s ses: -t ses:",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
"test switch a client from another tmux session": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
{Name: "win1"},
&Options{Attach: true},
Context{InsideTmuxSession: true},
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux switch-client -t ses:",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
"test create new windows in current session with same name": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
{Name: "win1"},
InsideCurrentSession: true,
Context{InsideTmuxSession: true},
"tmux display-message -p #S",
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c root -F #{window_id} -n win1",
"tmux select-layout -t even-horizontal",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
[]string{"ses", ""},
"test create new windows in current session with different name": {
Session: "ses",
Root: "root",
Windows: []Window{
{Name: "win1"},
InsideCurrentSession: true,
Context{InsideTmuxSession: true},
"tmux display-message -p #S",
"tmux has-session -t ses:",
"tmux neww -Pd -t ses: -c root -F #{window_id} -n win1",
"tmux select-layout -t win1 even-horizontal",
"tmux kill-session -t ses",
[]string{"ses", "win1"},
type MockCommander struct {
Commands []string
Outputs []string
func (c *MockCommander) Exec(cmd *exec.Cmd) (string, error) {
c.Commands = append(c.Commands, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
output := ""
if len(c.Outputs) > 1 {
output, c.Outputs = c.Outputs[0], c.Outputs[1:]
} else if len(c.Outputs) == 1 {
output = c.Outputs[0]
return output, nil
func (c *MockCommander) ExecSilently(cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
c.Commands = append(c.Commands, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
return nil
func TestStartStopSession(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("HOME", "smug") // Needed for testing ExpandPath function
for testDescription, params := range testTable {
t.Run("start session: "+testDescription, func(t *testing.T) {
commander := &MockCommander{[]string{}, params.commanderOutputs}
tmux := Tmux{commander}
smug := Smug{tmux, commander}
err := smug.Start(params.config, params.options, params.context)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(params.startCommands, commander.Commands) {
t.Errorf("expected\n%s\ngot\n%s", strings.Join(params.startCommands, "\n"), strings.Join(commander.Commands, "\n"))
t.Run("stop session: "+testDescription, func(t *testing.T) {
commander := &MockCommander{[]string{}, params.commanderOutputs}
tmux := Tmux{commander}
smug := Smug{tmux, commander}
err := smug.Stop(params.config, params.options, params.context)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(params.stopCommands, commander.Commands) {
t.Errorf("expected\n%s\ngot\n%s", strings.Join(params.stopCommands, "\n"), strings.Join(commander.Commands, "\n"))
func TestPrintCurrentSession(t *testing.T) {
expectedConfig := Config{
Session: "session_name",
Windows: []Window{
Name: "win1",
Root: "root",
Layout: "layout",
Panes: []Pane{
Root: "/tmp",
commander := &MockCommander{[]string{}, []string{
tmux := Tmux{commander}
smug := Smug{tmux, commander}
actualConfig, err := smug.GetConfigFromSession(&Options{Project: "test"}, Context{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedConfig, actualConfig) {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expectedConfig, actualConfig)