import hashlib import random import string import uuid from flask_babel import gettext # required answerer attribute # specifies which search query keywords triggers this answerer keywords = ('random',) random_int_max = 2**31 random_string_letters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase def random_characters(): return [random.choice(random_string_letters) for _ in range(random.randint(8, 32))] def random_string(): return ''.join(random_characters()) def random_float(): return str(random.random()) def random_int(): return str(random.randint(-random_int_max, random_int_max)) def random_sha256(): m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(''.join(random_characters()).encode()) return str(m.hexdigest()) def random_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) random_types = {'string': random_string, 'int': random_int, 'float': random_float, 'sha256': random_sha256, 'uuid': random_uuid} # required answerer function # can return a list of results (any result type) for a given query def answer(query): parts = query.query.split() if len(parts) != 2: return [] if parts[1] not in random_types: return [] return [{'answer': random_types[parts[1]]()}] # required answerer function # returns information about the answerer def self_info(): return {'name': gettext('Random value generator'), 'description': gettext('Generate different random values'), 'examples': ['random {}'.format(x) for x in random_types]}