*** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library timeout=10 implicit_wait=0.5 Test Setup Open Browser http://localhost:11111/ Test Teardown Close All Browsers *** Test Cases *** Front page Page Should Contain about Page Should Contain preferences About page Click Element link=about Page Should Contain Why use Searx? Page Should Contain Element link=search engines Engines page Go To http://localhost:11111/engines Page Should Contain Currently used search engines Page Should Contain dummy_dummy Page Should Contain general_dummy Preferences page Click Element link=preferences Page Should Contain Preferences Page Should Contain Default categories Switch category Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences Page Should Contain Checkbox category_general Page Should Contain Checkbox category_dummy Click Element xpath=//*[.="general"] Click Element xpath=//*[.="dummy"] Submit Form id=search_form Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/ Checkbox Should Not Be Selected category_general Checkbox Should Be Selected category_dummy Change language Page Should Contain about Page Should Contain preferences Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences Select From List locale hu Submit Form id=search_form Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/ Page Should Contain rólunk Page Should Contain beállítások