# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Initialize :py:obj:`LOCALE_NAMES`, :py:obj:`RTL_LOCALES`. """ from typing import Set import os import pathlib from babel import Locale from babel.support import Translations import flask_babel import flask from flask.ctx import has_request_context from searx import logger logger = logger.getChild('locales') # safe before monkey patching flask_babel.get_translations _flask_babel_get_translations = flask_babel.get_translations LOCALE_NAMES = {} """Mapping of locales and their description. Locales e.g. 'fr' or 'pt-BR' (see :py:obj:`locales_initialize`).""" RTL_LOCALES: Set[str] = set() """List of *Right-To-Left* locales e.g. 'he' or 'fa-IR' (see :py:obj:`locales_initialize`).""" ADDITIONAL_TRANSLATIONS = { "oc": "Occitan", "szl": "Ślōnski (Silesian)", } """Additional languages SearXNG has translations for but not supported by python-babel (see :py:obj:`locales_initialize`).""" LOCALE_BEST_MATCH = { "oc": 'fr-FR', "szl": "pl", "nl-BE": "nl", "zh-HK": "zh-Hant-TW", } """Map a locale we do not have a translations for to a locale we have a translation for. By example: use Taiwan version of the translation for Hong Kong.""" def localeselector(): locale = 'en' if has_request_context(): value = flask.request.preferences.get_value('locale') if value: locale = value # first, set the language that is not supported by babel if locale in ADDITIONAL_TRANSLATIONS: flask.request.form['use-translation'] = locale # second, map locale to a value python-babel supports locale = LOCALE_BEST_MATCH.get(locale, locale) if locale == '': # if there is an error loading the preferences # the locale is going to be '' locale = 'en' # babel uses underscore instead of hyphen. locale = locale.replace('-', '_') return locale def get_translations(): """Monkey patch of flask_babel.get_translations""" if has_request_context() and flask.request.form.get('use-translation') == 'oc': babel_ext = flask_babel.current_app.extensions['babel'] return Translations.load(next(babel_ext.translation_directories), 'oc') if has_request_context() and flask.request.form.get('use-translation') == 'szl': babel_ext = flask_babel.current_app.extensions['babel'] return Translations.load(next(babel_ext.translation_directories), 'szl') return _flask_babel_get_translations() def get_locale_descr(locale, locale_name): """Get locale name e.g. 'Français - fr' or 'Português (Brasil) - pt-BR' :param locale: instance of :py:class:`Locale` :param locale_name: name e.g. 'fr' or 'pt_BR' (delimiter is *underscore*) """ native_language, native_territory = _get_locale_descr(locale, locale_name) english_language, english_territory = _get_locale_descr(locale, 'en') if native_territory == english_territory: english_territory = None if not native_territory and not english_territory: if native_language == english_language: return native_language return native_language + ' (' + english_language + ')' result = native_language + ', ' + native_territory + ' (' + english_language if english_territory: return result + ', ' + english_territory + ')' return result + ')' def _get_locale_descr(locale, language_code): language_name = locale.get_language_name(language_code).capitalize() if language_name and ('a' <= language_name[0] <= 'z'): language_name = language_name.capitalize() terrirtory_name = locale.get_territory_name(language_code) return language_name, terrirtory_name def locales_initialize(directory=None): """Initialize locales environment of the SearXNG session. - monkey patch :py:obj:`flask_babel.get_translations` by :obj:py:`get_translations` - init global names :py:obj:`LOCALE_NAMES`, :py:obj:`RTL_LOCALES` """ directory = directory or pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'translations' logger.debug("locales_initialize: %s", directory) flask_babel.get_translations = get_translations for tag, descr in ADDITIONAL_TRANSLATIONS.items(): LOCALE_NAMES[tag] = descr for tag in LOCALE_BEST_MATCH: descr = LOCALE_NAMES.get(tag) if not descr: locale = Locale.parse(tag, sep='-') LOCALE_NAMES[tag] = get_locale_descr(locale, tag.replace('-', '_')) for dirname in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): # Based on https://flask-babel.tkte.ch/_modules/flask_babel.html#Babel.list_translations if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, dirname, 'LC_MESSAGES')): continue tag = dirname.replace('_', '-') descr = LOCALE_NAMES.get(tag) if not descr: locale = Locale.parse(dirname) LOCALE_NAMES[tag] = get_locale_descr(locale, dirname) if locale.text_direction == 'rtl': RTL_LOCALES.add(tag)