""" Bing (News) @website https://www.bing.com/news @provide-api yes (http://datamarket.azure.com/dataset/bing/search), max. 5000 query/month @using-api no (because of query limit) @results RSS (using search portal) @stable yes (except perhaps for the images) @parse url, title, content, publishedDate, thumbnail """ from urllib import urlencode from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser from lxml import etree from searx.utils import list_get # engine dependent config categories = ['news'] paging = True language_support = True # search-url base_url = 'https://www.bing.com/' search_string = 'news/search?{query}&first={offset}&format=RSS' # remove click def url_cleanup(url_string): parsed_url = urlparse(url_string) if parsed_url.netloc == 'www.bing.com' and parsed_url.path == '/news/apiclick.aspx': query = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url.query)) return query.get('url', None) return url_string # replace the http://*bing4.com/th?id=... by https://www.bing.com/th?id=... def image_url_cleanup(url_string): parsed_url = urlparse(url_string) if parsed_url.netloc.endswith('bing4.com') and parsed_url.path == '/th': query = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url.query)) return "https://www.bing.com/th?id=" + query.get('id') return url_string # do search-request def request(query, params): offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 10 + 1 if params['language'] == 'all': language = 'en-US' else: language = params['language'].replace('_', '-') search_path = search_string.format( query=urlencode({'q': query, 'setmkt': language}), offset=offset) params['url'] = base_url + search_path return params # get response from search-request def response(resp): results = [] rss = etree.fromstring(resp.text) ns = rss.nsmap # parse results for item in rss.xpath('./channel/item'): # url / title / content url = url_cleanup(item.xpath('./link/text()')[0]) title = list_get(item.xpath('./title/text()'), 0, url) content = list_get(item.xpath('./description/text()'), 0, '') # publishedDate publishedDate = list_get(item.xpath('./pubDate/text()'), 0) try: publishedDate = parser.parse(publishedDate, dayfirst=False) except TypeError: publishedDate = datetime.now() except ValueError: publishedDate = datetime.now() # thumbnail thumbnail = list_get(item.xpath('./News:Image/text()', namespaces=ns), 0) if thumbnail is not None: thumbnail = image_url_cleanup(thumbnail) # append result if thumbnail is not None: results.append({'template': 'videos.html', 'url': url, 'title': title, 'publishedDate': publishedDate, 'content': content, 'thumbnail': thumbnail}) else: results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'publishedDate': publishedDate, 'content': content}) # return results return results