# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Semantic Scholar (Science) """ from json import dumps, loads from datetime import datetime from flask_babel import gettext about = { "website": 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/', "wikidata_id": 'Q22908627', "official_api_documentation": 'https://api.semanticscholar.org/', "use_official_api": True, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'JSON', } categories = ['science', 'scientific publications'] paging = True search_url = 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/api/1/search' paper_url = 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper' def request(query, params): params['url'] = search_url params['method'] = 'POST' params['headers']['content-type'] = 'application/json' params['data'] = dumps( { "queryString": query, "page": params['pageno'], "pageSize": 10, "sort": "relevance", "useFallbackRankerService": False, "useFallbackSearchCluster": False, "getQuerySuggestions": False, "authors": [], "coAuthors": [], "venues": [], "performTitleMatch": True, } ) return params def response(resp): res = loads(resp.text) results = [] for result in res['results']: url = result.get('primaryPaperLink', {}).get('url') if not url and result.get('links'): url = result.get('links')[0] if not url: alternatePaperLinks = result.get('alternatePaperLinks') if alternatePaperLinks: url = alternatePaperLinks[0].get('url') if not url: url = paper_url + '/%s' % result['id'] # publishedDate if 'pubDate' in result: publishedDate = datetime.strptime(result['pubDate'], "%Y-%m-%d") else: publishedDate = None # authors authors = [author[0]['name'] for author in result.get('authors', [])] # pick for the first alternate link, but not from the crawler pdf_url = None for doc in result.get('alternatePaperLinks', []): if doc['linkType'] != 'crawler': pdf_url = doc['url'] break # comments comments = None if 'citationStats' in result: comments = gettext( '{numCitations} citations from the year {firstCitationVelocityYear} to {lastCitationVelocityYear}' ).format( numCitations=result['citationStats']['numCitations'], firstCitationVelocityYear=result['citationStats']['firstCitationVelocityYear'], lastCitationVelocityYear=result['citationStats']['lastCitationVelocityYear'], ) results.append( { 'template': 'paper.html', 'url': url, 'title': result['title']['text'], 'content': result['paperAbstract']['text'], 'journal': result.get('venue', {}).get('text') or result.get('journal', {}).get('name'), 'doi': result.get('doiInfo', {}).get('doi'), 'tags': result.get('fieldsOfStudy'), 'authors': authors, 'pdf_url': pdf_url, 'publishedDate': publishedDate, 'comments': comments, } ) return results