# Installing rusty-man ## Requirements To compile rusty-man, you need Rust 1.40 or later. ## Installing from source 1. Clone the rusty-man Git repository: ``` $ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ireas/rusty-man && cd rusty-man ``` 2. Optional: Checkout the latest release: ``` $ git checkout v0.1.3 ``` 3. Optional: Verify the signature of the latest commit: ``` $ curl -s "https://pgp.ireas.org/0x6D533958F070C57C.txt" | gpg --import $ gpg verify-commit HEAD ``` 4. Compile rusty-man: ``` $ cargo build --release ``` 5. Optional: Install the rusty-man binary: ``` $ sudo cp ./target/release/rusty-man /usr/local/bin/rusty-man ``` ## Installing from crates.io ``` cargo install rusty-man ```