# rusty-man A command-line viewer for documentation generated by `rustdoc`. ## Example Usage ``` $ cd rusty-man && cargo doc $ rusty-man kuchiki::NodeRef # Struct kuchiki::NodeRef pub struct NodeRef(pub Rc); A strong reference to a node. $ rusty-man --source ~/.rustup/toolchains/stable-*/share/doc/html io::Error # Struct std::io::Error pub struct Error { /* fields omitted */ } The error type for I/O operations of the `Read`, `Write`, `Seek`, and associated traits. Errors mostly originate from the underlying OS, but custom instances of `Error` can be created with crafted error messages and a particular value of `ErrorKind`. $ rusty-man --source ~/.rustup/toolchains/stable-*/share/doc/rust/html u8 Found mulitple matches for u8 – select one of: [ 0 ] core::u8: The 8-bit unsigned integer type. [ 1 ] std::u8: The 8-bit unsigned integer type. > 1 # Primitive Type u8 The 8-bit unsigned integer type. ``` ## Installation To install rusty-man, clone this repository and use cargo to build the project. See the [`INSTALL.md`](./INSTALL.md) file for more information. rusty-man should run on all platforms supported by [`termion`][]. If you have trouble running rusty-man on your platform or if you want to help porting rusty-man to other platforms, please let me know. ## Contributing Contributions to this project are very welcome! You can contribute by writing code or documentation or by testing. See the [`CONTRIBUTING.md`][] file for more information. If you are looking for a good starting point, have a look at the [issues with the label “good first issue”][issues] in rusty-man’s issue tracker. ## Minimum Supported Rust Version This crate supports Rust 1.40 or later. ## Contact For bug reports, patches, feature requests or other messages, please send a mail to the mailing list [~ireas/rusty-man-dev@lists.sr.ht][] ([public archive][]) or [contact me directly][]. You can also use the rusty-man [issue tracker][] for bug reports or features requests. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License][]. `rusty-man` complies with [version 3.0 of the REUSE specification][reuse]. [`termion`]: https://lib.rs/termion [`CONTRIBUTING.md`]: ./CONTRIBUTING.md [issues]: https://todo.sr.ht/~ireas/rusty-man?search=label:%22good%20first%20issue%22%20status%3Aopen [~ireas/rusty-man-dev@lists.sr.ht]: mailto:~ireas/rusty-man-dev@lists.sr.ht [contact me directly]: mailto:robin.krahl@ireas.org [public archive]: https://lists.sr.ht/~ireas/rusty-man-dev [issue tracker]: https://todo.sr.ht/~ireas/rusty-man [MIT license]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT [reuse]: https://reuse.software/practices/3.0/