--- source: tests/output.rs expression: "get_stdout(path, &[\"rand_core::RngCore\"])" --- rand_core Trait rand_core::RngCore rusty-man SYNOPSIS pub trait RngCore { fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32; fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64; fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]); fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>; } DESCRIPTION The core of a random number generator. This trait encapsulates the low-level functionality common to all generators, and is the “back end”, to be implemented by generators. End users should normally use the `Rng` trait from the [`rand`][1] crate, which is automatically implemented for every type implementing `RngCore`. Three different methods for generating random data are provided since the optimal implementation of each is dependent on the type of generator. There is no required relationship between the output of each; e.g. many implementations of `fill_bytes` consume a whole number of `u32` or `u64` values and drop any remaining unused bytes. The `try_fill_bytes` method is a variant of `fill_bytes` allowing error handling; it is not deemed sufficiently useful to add equivalents for `next_u32` or `next_u64` since the latter methods are almost always used with algorithmic generators (PRNGs), which are normally infallible. Algorithmic generators implementing `SeedableRng` should normally have *portable, reproducible* output, i.e. fix Endianness when converting values to avoid platform differences, and avoid making any changes which affect output (except by communicating that the release has breaking changes). Typically implementators will implement only one of the methods available in this trait directly, then use the helper functions from the `impls` module to implement the other methods. It is recommended that implementations also implement: * `Debug` with a custom implementation which *does not* print any internal state (at least, `CryptoRng`s should not risk leaking state through `Debug`). * `Serialize` and `Deserialize` (from Serde), preferably making Serde support optional at the crate level in PRNG libs. * `Clone`, if possible. * *never* implement `Copy` (accidental copies may cause repeated values). * *do not* implement `Default` for pseudorandom generators, but instead implement `SeedableRng`, to guide users towards proper seeding. External / hardware RNGs can choose to implement `Default`. * `Eq` and `PartialEq` could be implemented, but are probably not useful. # Example A simple example, obviously not generating very *random* output: #![allow(dead_code)] use rand_core::{RngCore, Error, impls}; struct CountingRng(u64); impl RngCore for CountingRng { fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 { self.next_u64() as u32 } fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 { self.0 += 1; self.0 } fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) { impls::fill_bytes_via_next(self, dest) } fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(self.fill_bytes(dest)) } } [1] https://docs.rs/rand METHODS Required Methods next_u32 fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 Return the next random `u32`. RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented using `self.next_u64() as u32` or via `fill_bytes`. next_u64 fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 Return the next random `u64`. RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented via `next_u32` or via `fill_bytes`. fill_bytes fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) Fill `dest` with random data. RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented via `next_u*` or via `try_fill_bytes`; if this generator can fail the implementation must choose how best to handle errors here (e.g. panic with a descriptive message or log a warning and retry a few times). This method should guarantee that `dest` is entirely filled with new data, and may panic if this is impossible (e.g. reading past the end of a file that is being used as the source of randomness). try_fill_bytes fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> Fill `dest` entirely with random data. This is the only method which allows an RNG to report errors while generating random data thus making this the primary method implemented by external (true) RNGs (e.g. `OsRng`) which can fail. It may be used directly to generate keys and to seed (infallible) PRNGs. Other than error handling, this method is identical to `fill_bytes`; thus this may be implemented using `Ok(self.fill_bytes(dest))` or `fill_bytes` may be implemented with `self.try_fill_bytes(dest).unwrap()` or more specific error handling. IMPLEMENTATIONS Trait Implementations Read impl Read for dyn RngCore