SimpleSignTx basic unit test
308 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
308 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
import os
import binascii
import argparse
import json
import threading
from trezorlib.client import TrezorClient, pin_func
from trezorlib.debuglink import DebugLink
from trezorlib.protobuf_json import pb2json
from trezorlib.pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget
def parse_args(commands):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Commandline tool for Trezor devices.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transport', dest='transport', choices=['usb', 'serial', 'pipe', 'socket'], default='usb', help="Transport used for talking with the device")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', dest='path', default='', help="Path used by the transport (usually serial port)")
parser.add_argument('-dt', '--debuglink-transport', dest='debuglink_transport', choices=['usb', 'serial', 'pipe', 'socket'], default='usb', help="Debuglink transport")
parser.add_argument('-dp', '--debuglink-path', dest='debuglink_path', default='', help="Path used by the transport (usually serial port)")
parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help="Prints result as json object")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Enable low-level debugging')
cmdparser = parser.add_subparsers(title='Available commands')
for cmd in commands._list_commands():
func = object.__getattribute__(commands, cmd)
help = func.help
except AttributeError:
help = ''
arguments = func.arguments
except AttributeError:
arguments = ((('params',), {'nargs': '*'}),)
item = cmdparser.add_parser(cmd, help=func.help)
for arg in arguments:
item.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1])
return parser.parse_args()
def get_transport(transport_string, path, **kwargs):
if transport_string == 'usb':
from trezorlib.transport_hid import HidTransport
if path == '':
path = list_usb()[0]
except IndexError:
raise Exception("No Trezor found on USB")
return HidTransport(path, **kwargs)
if transport_string == 'serial':
from trezorlib.transport_serial import SerialTransport
return SerialTransport(path, **kwargs)
if transport_string == 'pipe':
from trezorlib.transport_pipe import PipeTransport
return PipeTransport(path, is_device=False, **kwargs)
if transport_string == 'socket':
from trezorlib.transport_socket import SocketTransportClient
return SocketTransportClient(path, **kwargs)
if transport_string == 'fake':
from trezorlib.transport_fake import FakeTransport
return FakeTransport(path, **kwargs)
raise NotImplemented("Unknown transport")
class Commands(object):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def _list_commands(cls):
return [ x for x in dir(cls) if not x.startswith('_') ]
def list(self, args):
# Fake method for advertising 'list' command
def get_address(self, args):
address_n = self.client.expand_path(args.n)
return self.client.get_address(args.coin, address_n)
def get_entropy(self, args):
return binascii.hexlify(self.client.get_entropy(args.size))
def get_features(self, args):
return self.client.features
def list_coins(self, args):
return [ coin.coin_name for coin in self.client.features.coins ]
def ping(self, args):
return self.client.ping(args.msg)
def get_public_node(self, args):
address_n = self.client.expand_path(args.n)
return self.client.get_public_node(address_n)
def set_label(self, args):
return self.client.apply_settings(label=args.label)
def load_device(self, args):
if not args.mnemonic and not args.xprv:
raise Exception("Please provide mnemonic or xprv")
if args.mnemonic:
mnemonic = ' '.join(args.mnemonic)
return self.client.load_device_by_mnemonic(mnemonic, args.pin,
args.passphrase_protection, args.label, 'english')
return self.client.load_device_by_xprv(args.xprv, args.pin,
args.passphrase_protection, args.label, 'english')
def reset_device(self, args):
return self.client.reset_device(True, args.strength, args.passphrase, args.pin, args.label)
def sign_message(self, args):
return pb2json(self.client.sign_message(args.n, args.message), {'message': args.message})
def verify_message(self, args):
return self.client.verify_message(args.address, args.signature, args.message)
def firmware_update(self, args):
if not args.file:
raise Exception("Must provide firmware filename")
fp = open(args.file, 'r')
if fp.read(4) != 'TRZR':
raise Exception("Trezor firmware header expected")
return self.client.firmware_update(fp=open(args.file, 'r'))
list.help = 'List connected Trezor USB devices'
ping.help = 'Send ping message'
get_address.help = 'Get bitcoin address in base58 encoding'
get_entropy.help = 'Get example entropy'
get_features.help = 'Retrieve device features and settings'
get_public_node.help = 'Get public node of given path'
set_label.help = 'Set new wallet label'
list_coins.help = 'List all supported coin types by the device'
load_device.help = 'Load custom configuration to the device'
reset_device.help = 'Perform factory reset of the device and generate new seed'
sign_message.help = 'Sign message using address of given path'
verify_message.help = 'Verify message'
firmware_update.help = 'Upload new firmware to device (must be in bootloader mode)'
get_address.arguments = (
(('-c', '--coin'), {'type': str, 'default': 'Bitcoin'}),
# (('n',), {'metavar': 'N', 'type': int, 'nargs': '+'}),
(('-n', '-address'), {'type': str}),
get_entropy.arguments = (
(('size',), {'type': int}),
get_features.arguments = ()
list_coins.arguments = ()
ping.arguments = (
(('msg',), {'type': str}),
set_label.arguments = (
(('-l', '--label',), {'type': str, 'default': ''}),
# (('-c', '--clear'), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False})
load_device.arguments = (
(('-m', '--mnemonic'), {'type': str, 'nargs': '+'}),
(('-x', '--xprv'), {'type': str}),
(('-p', '--pin'), {'type': str, 'default': ''}),
(('-r', '--passphrase-protection'), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),
(('-l', '--label'), {'type': str, 'default': ''}),
reset_device.arguments = (
(('-t', '--strength'), {'type': int, 'choices': [128, 192, 256], 'default': 128}),
(('-p', '--pin'), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),
(('-r', '--passphrase'), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),
(('-l', '--label'), {'type': str, 'default': ''}),
sign_message.arguments = (
(('n',), {'metavar': 'N', 'type': int, 'nargs': '+'}),
(('message',), {'type': str}),
verify_message.arguments = (
(('address',), {'type': str}),
(('signature',), {'type': str}),
(('message',), {'type': str}),
get_public_node.arguments = (
(('-n', '-address'), {'type': str}),
firmware_update.arguments = (
(('-f', '--file'), {'type': str}),
def list_usb():
from trezorlib.transport_hid import HidTransport
devices = HidTransport.enumerate()
return devices
class PinMatrixThread(threading.Thread):
Hacked PinMatrixWidget into command line tool :-).
def __init__(self, input_text, message):
super(PinMatrixThread, self).__init__()
self.input_text = input_text
self.message = message
self.pin_value = ''
def run(self):
import sys
from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton, QLabel
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, SIGNAL
a = QApplication(sys.argv)
matrix = PinMatrixWidget()
def clicked():
self.pin_value = str(matrix.get_value())
ok = QPushButton('OK')
QObject.connect(ok, SIGNAL('clicked()'), clicked)
vbox = QVBoxLayout()
vbox.addWidget(QLabel(self.input_text + self.message))
w = QWidget()
w.move(100, 100)
def qt_pin_func(input_text, message=None):
This is a hack to display Qt window in non-qt application.
Qt window just asks for PIN and closes itself, which trigger join().
if False: # os.getenv('DISPLAY'):
# Let's hope that system is configured properly and this won't crash
t = PinMatrixThread(input_text, message)
return t.pin_value
# Most likely no X is running,
# let's fallback to default pin_func implementation
return pin_func(input_text, message)
def main():
args = parse_args(Commands)
if args.cmd == 'list':
devices = list_usb()
if args.json:
print json.dumps(devices)
for dev in devices:
print dev
transport = get_transport(args.transport, args.path)
if args.debug:
if args.debuglink_transport == 'usb' and args.debuglink_path == '':
debuglink_transport = get_transport('usb', args.path, debug_link=True)
debuglink_transport = get_transport(args.debuglink_transport, args.debuglink_path)
debuglink = DebugLink(debuglink_transport)
debuglink = None
client = TrezorClient(transport, pin_func=qt_pin_func, debuglink=debuglink)
client.setup_debuglink(button=True, pin_correct=True)
cmds = Commands(client)
res = args.func(cmds, args)
if args.json:
print json.dumps(res, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print res
if __name__ == '__main__':