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<title>Frequently Asked Questions - Popcorn Time</title>
<meta name="description" content="Stream movies from torrents. Skip the downloads. Launch, click, watch." />
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<section id="faq" class="fixed-width">
<p class="warning">To enjoy a great experience, always make sure you're running <a href="" target="_blank">the latest Popcorn Time version</a>. <br/>
Our only official site is <a href="/" target="_blank"></a> (for now). Do not get the app from anywhere else, as there's a few fake sites going around.</p>
<article id="what">
<h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
<p>Popcorn Time! is the result of many developers and designers putting a bunch of APIs together to make the experience of watching torrent movies as simple as possible.</p>
<p>We are an open source project. We are from all over the world. We love our movies. And boy, do we love popcorn.</p>
<article id="legal">
<h2>Is this legal?</h2>
<p>Depends on where you're from, really. Once again: we're using torrents, so if you really care, you'd better google what the legal situation around these protocol is where you live.</p>
<article id="seeding">
<h2>Popcorn Time works using torrents, fair enough. Am I seeding while watching a movie?</h2>
<p>Indeed, you are. You're going to be uploading bits and bits of the movie for as long as you're watching it on Popcorn Time.</p>
<article id="storage">
<h2>What happens to the movies after I'm done?</h2>
<p>Your movies will stay buried in a secret folder somewhere in your drive until you restart your computer. Then it will be gone for good.</p>
<article id="update">
<h2>Will there be a new version?</h2>
<p>Most definitely. You're going to have to download it manually though. But fear not! If you're on version Beta 2, you'll be notified within the app. Other than that, we'll let you know through Facebook and/or Twitter.</p>
<article id="movies">
<h2>How come you've got the latest movies?</h2>
<p>We search for movies uploaded by YIFY. Better ask them how they are handling this!</p>
<article id="languages">
<h2>Will you be adding movies in my language?</h2>
<p>Chances are that most (if not all) of the movies available in Popcorn Time will be in English. However, languages for subtitles and the app itself are constantly being added by our lovely contributors.</p>
<article id="cant-launch">
<h2>Why can't I launch Popcorn Time?</h2>
<p class="icon-mac"><strong>Your system may prevent unsigned apps from being run</strong><br />Go to <span class="code">System Preferences > Security > Allow Apps downloaded from > Anywhere</span> and try to launch Popcorn Time! again.</p>
<p class="icon-mac"><strong>You may have not have enough User Priviliges</strong><br />
Open a Terminal, and type:
<ul class="step-code">
<li><span class="code">$ chmod +x /Applications/Popcorn\</span></li>
<li><span class="code">$ chmod +x /Applications/Popcorn\</span></li>
<li><span class="code">$ chmod +x /Applications/Popcorn\\\ Helper</span></li>
<li><span class="code">$ chmod +x /Applications/Popcorn\\ Helper\\ Helper\ EH</span></li>
<li><span class="code">$ chmod +x /Applications/Popcorn\\ Helper\\ Helper\ NP</span></li>
<article id="stuck">
<h2>I can't get past the initial "Please wait..." screen :(</h2>
<p>Living on Queen Elizabeth's realm, and using old verion (<2.8) aren't you? There is an workaround for it from the 2.8 version, but is no guarantee it will work. Check out the <a href=>Black list</a></p>
<article id="select-subtitles">
<h2>Why can't I select subtitles?</h2>
<p>You may have to wait until all of the movie data (cover, summary, length, etc...) is retrieved. Sometimes it may be something else!</p>
<article id="new-apps">
<h2>Thinking about launching for Android/iOS/Chromecast/Smart TVs/Commodore 64?</h2>
<p>Our efforts are currently towards making the best desktop app for watching torrent movies. So launching versions for other devices is not in our inmediate roadmap.</p>
<article id="devices">
<h2>Is the app works on Raspberry Pi/ChomeBook/BeagleBone?</h2>
<p>Currently the App compiled only for Win/Linux32/Linux64/Mac but if you want to try it on ARM go for it!</p>
<article id="site">
<h2>You are changing site/repo more often than some underwear, which is the best place to start with?</h2>
<p>Well yes,the App had difficult times, the best place for the latest info yet is the IRC channel. </p>
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<p>Made with <span>&lt;3</span> by a bunch of geeks from All Around The World<br /> <small><a href="tos">Terms of Service</a> &mdash; <a href="faq">FAQ</a></small></p>
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