jduncanator 1c5cf4df2f Updated site to new host
Updated download URLs to new download host. Updated version numbers. Added 32/64 bit Linux detection. Removed Google Analytics (for now)
2014-03-17 18:09:38 +11:00

244 lines
12 KiB

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<h1>Watch torrent movies instantly</h1>
<p>Currently in Beta, but go ahead and try it!</p>
<ul id="links">
<li class="download dl-mac">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Mac.tgz" class="btn-main icon-mac" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a><br />
<small>For Mac OSX 10.7 and above</small>
<li class="download dl-win">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Win.zip" class="btn-main icon-win" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a><br />
<small>For Windows 7 and above</small>
<li class="download dl-lin-32">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-32.tgz" class="btn-main icon-linux" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a><br />
<small>For 32-bit Linux Users</small>
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<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-64.tgz" class="btn-main icon-linux" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a><br />
<small>For 64-bit Linux Users</small>
<img src="images/header-ui.jpg" class="ui-screenshot fadeInUp wow" alt="Popcorn Time UI">
<div class="container">
<div class="warning fadeIn wow">
<h5 class="icon-info">Popcorn Time streams movies from Torrents</h5>
<p>Downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in your country. Use at your own risk.</p>
<section id="features" class="fixed-width">
<div class="clear-fix">
<article class="fadeInLeft wow">
<img src="images/icon-best.gif" alt="">
<h5>Great movies</h5>
<p>We're constantly searching all over the web for the best torrents from the most important sites.</p>
<article class="fadeInRight wow">
<img src="images/icon-watch.gif" alt="">
<h5>No restrictions</h5>
<p>Watch any movie as many times as you want. All you need to get started is a proper internet connection.</p>
<article class="fadeInLeft wow">
<img src="images/icon-search.gif" alt="">
<h5>Awesome catalogue</h5>
<p>If the movie is out there, Popcorn Time will find the best version possible and start streaming it right away.</p>
<article class="fadeInRight wow">
<img src="images/icon-subs.gif" alt="">
<h5>The best quality</h5>
<p>Watch your movie instantly in HD and with subtitles. And then keep watching.</p>
<div class="width-50 align-center action fadeInUp wow">
<img src="images/pochoclin.gif" alt="Pochoclin" class="align-center pochoclin">
<hr />
<h2>Best of all... it's free!</h2>
<div class="dl-mac">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Mac.tgz" class="btn-main icon-mac" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For Mac OSX 10.7 and above</small>
<div class="dl-win">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Win.zip" class="btn-main icon-win" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For Windows 7 and above</small>
<div class="dl-lin-32">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-32.tgz" class="btn-main icon-lin" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For 32-bit Linux Users</small>
<div class="dl-lin-64">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-64.tgz" class="btn-main icon-lin" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For 64-bit Linux Users</small>
<section id="how">
<div class="fixed-width fadeInLeft wow">
<h2>Hard to believe?</h2>
<h4>See how easy it works...</h4>
<ul class="steps">
<li class="icon-eye">Open PT &amp; select a movie</li>
<li class="icon-hd">Choose HD &amp; Subtitles</li>
<li class="icon-play">Click play &amp; enjoy!</li>
<img src="images/how-ui.png" class="ui-screenshot fadeInRight wow" alt="Popcorn Time UI">
<section id="get-app">
<div class="text fadeIn wow">
<h2>A whole new way to watch movies</h2>
<p>Just take care of the popcorn &amp; leave the rest to us.</p>
<ul class="platforms">
<li class="mac icon-laptop fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay=".2s">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Mac.tgz" class="btn-main icon-mac" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For Mac OSX 10.7 and above</small>
<li class="win icon-screen fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay=".4s">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Win.zip" class="btn-main icon-win" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For Windows 7 and above</small>
<li class="lin-32 icon-window fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay=".6s">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-32.tgz" class="btn-main icon-linux" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For 32-bit Linux Users</small>
<li class="lin-64 icon-window fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay=".8s">
<a data-file="Popcorn-Time-2.7-Linux-64.tgz" class="btn-main icon-linux" target="_blank">Download Beta 2.7</a>
<small>For 64-bit Linux Users</small>
<section id="browse-movies">
<h2>These are some of the movies you'd be able to watch</h2>
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<p>Made with <span>&lt;3</span> by a bunch of geeks from All Around The World<br /> <small><a href="tos">Terms of Service</a> &mdash; <a href="faq">FAQ</a></small></p>
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