nv.models.pieChart = function() { //============================================================ // Public Variables with Default Settings //------------------------------------------------------------ var pie = nv.models.pie() , legend = nv.models.legend() ; var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20} , width = null , height = null , showLegend = true , color = nv.utils.defaultColor() , tooltips = true , tooltip = function(key, y, e, graph) { return '
' + y + '
' } , noData = "No Data Available." , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide') ; //============================================================ //============================================================ // Private Variables //------------------------------------------------------------ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) { var left = e.pos[0] + ( (offsetElement && offsetElement.offsetLeft) || 0 ), top = e.pos[1] + ( (offsetElement && offsetElement.offsetTop) || 0), y = pie.valueFormat()(pie.y()(e.point)), content = tooltip(pie.x()(e.point), y, e, chart); nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement); }; //============================================================ function chart(selection) { selection.each(function(data) { var container = d3.select(this), that = this; var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960) - margin.left - margin.right, availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400) - margin.top - margin.bottom; chart.update = function() { chart(selection); }; chart.container = this; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show. if (!data || !data.length) { var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]); noDataText.enter().append('text') .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData') .attr('dy', '-.7em') .style('text-anchor', 'middle'); noDataText .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2) .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2) .text(function(d) { return d }); return chart; } else { container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-pieChart').data([data]); var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-pieChart').append('g'); var g = wrap.select('g'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-pieWrap'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap'); //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // Legend if (showLegend) { legend .width( availableWidth ) .key(pie.x()); wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap') .datum(pie.values()(data[0])) .call(legend); if ( margin.top != legend.height()) { margin.top = legend.height(); availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400) - margin.top - margin.bottom; } wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')'); } //------------------------------------------------------------ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Main Chart Component(s) pie .width(availableWidth) .height(availableHeight); var pieWrap = g.select('.nv-pieWrap') .datum(data); d3.transition(pieWrap).call(pie); //------------------------------------------------------------ //============================================================ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope) //------------------------------------------------------------ legend.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i, that) { d.disabled = !d.disabled; if (!pie.values()(data[0]).filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }).length) { pie.values()(data[0]).map(function(d) { d.disabled = false; wrap.selectAll('.nv-series').classed('disabled', false); return d; }); } selection.transition().call(chart) }); pie.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) { dispatch.tooltipHide(e); }); //============================================================ }); return chart; } //============================================================ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope) //------------------------------------------------------------ pie.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) { e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top]; dispatch.tooltipShow(e); }); dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) { if (tooltips) showTooltip(e); }); dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() { if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup(); }); //============================================================ //============================================================ // Expose Public Variables //------------------------------------------------------------ // expose chart's sub-components chart.dispatch = dispatch; chart.pie = pie; d3.rebind(chart, pie, 'valueFormat', 'values', 'x', 'y', 'id', 'showLabels', 'donutLabelsOutside', 'donut', 'labelThreshold'); chart.margin = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return margin; margin.top = typeof _.top != 'undefined' ? _.top : margin.top; margin.right = typeof _.right != 'undefined' ? _.right : margin.right; margin.bottom = typeof _.bottom != 'undefined' ? _.bottom : margin.bottom; margin.left = typeof _.left != 'undefined' ? _.left : margin.left; return chart; }; chart.width = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return width; width = _; return chart; }; chart.height = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return height; height = _; return chart; }; chart.color = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return color; color = nv.utils.getColor(_); legend.color(color); pie.color(color); return chart; }; chart.showLegend = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return showLegend; showLegend = _; return chart; }; chart.tooltips = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return tooltips; tooltips = _; return chart; }; chart.tooltipContent = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return tooltip; tooltip = _; return chart; }; chart.noData = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return noData; noData = _; return chart; }; //============================================================ return chart; }