nv.models.cumulativeLineChart = function() { //============================================================ // Public Variables with Default Settings //------------------------------------------------------------ var margin = {top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 50, left: 60}, color = nv.utils.getColor(), width = null, height = null, showLegend = true, tooltips = true, showRescaleToggle = false, //TODO: get rescale y functionality back (need to calculate exten of y for ALL possible re-zero points rescaleY = true, tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return '

' + key + '

' + '

' + y + ' at ' + x + '

' }, x, y, //can be accessed via chart.lines.[x/y]Scale() noData = "No Data Available." ; //============================================================ // Private Variables //------------------------------------------------------------ var lines = nv.models.line(), dx = d3.scale.linear(), id = lines.id(), xAxis = nv.models.axis().orient('bottom').tickPadding(5), yAxis = nv.models.axis().orient('left'), legend = nv.models.legend().height(30), controls = nv.models.legend().height(30), dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide'), index = {i: 0, x: 0}; //TODO: let user select default var controlsData = [ { key: 'Re-scale y-axis' } ]; var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) { var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ), top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0), x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)), y = yAxis.tickFormat()(lines.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)), content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart); nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content); }; var indexDrag = d3.behavior.drag() .on('dragstart', dragStart) .on('drag', dragMove) .on('dragend', dragEnd); function dragStart(d,i) {} function dragMove(d,i) { d.x += d3.event.dx; d.i = Math.round(dx.invert(d.x)); //d3.transition(d3.select('.chart-' + id)).call(chart); d3.select(this).attr('transform', 'translate(' + dx(d.i) + ',0)'); } function dragEnd(d,i) { //d3.transition(d3.select('.chart-' + id)).call(chart); chart.update(); } function chart(selection) { selection.each(function(data) { var container = d3.select(this).classed('nv-chart-' + id, true), that = this; var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960) - margin.left - margin.right, availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400) - margin.top - margin.bottom; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show. if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) { container.append('text') .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData') .attr('x', availableWidth / 2) .attr('y', availableHeight / 2) .attr('dy', '-.7em') .style('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(noData); return chart; } else { container.select('.nv-noData').remove(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ x = lines.xScale(); y = lines.yScale(); dx .domain([0, data[0].values.length - 1]) //Assumes all series have same length .range([0, availableWidth]) .clamp(true); var data = indexify(index.i, data); var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-cumulativeLine').data([data]); var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-cumulativeLine').append('g'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-controlsWrap'); var g = wrap.select('g'); if (showLegend) { legend.width(availableWidth); g.select('.nv-legendWrap') .datum(data) .call(legend); if ( margin.top != legend.height()) { margin.top = legend.height(); availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400) - margin.top - margin.bottom; } g.select('.nv-legendWrap') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')') } if (showRescaleToggle) { controls.width(140).color(['#444', '#444', '#444']); g.select('.nv-controlsWrap') .datum(controlsData) .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')') .call(controls); } lines //.x(function(d) { return d.x }) .y(function(d) { return d.display.y }) .width(availableWidth) .height(availableHeight) .color(data.map(function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d, i); }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled })); g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); var linesWrap = g.select('.nv-linesWrap') .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled })) d3.transition(linesWrap).call(lines); var indexLine = linesWrap.selectAll('.nv-indexLine') .data([index]); indexLine.enter().append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-indexLine') .attr('width', 3) .attr('x', -2) .attr('fill', 'red') .attr('fill-opacity', .5) .call(indexDrag) indexLine .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + dx(d.i) + ',0)' }) .attr('height', availableHeight) xAxis .scale(x) .ticks( availableWidth / 100 ) .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0); g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')'); d3.transition(g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')) .call(xAxis); yAxis .scale(y) .ticks( availableHeight / 36 ) .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0); d3.transition(g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')) .call(yAxis); //============================================================ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope) //------------------------------------------------------------ controls.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) { d.disabled = !d.disabled; rescaleY = !d.disabled; //console.log(d,i,arguments); selection.transition().call(chart); }); legend.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) { d.disabled = !d.disabled; if (!data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }).length) { data.map(function(d) { d.disabled = false; wrap.selectAll('.nv-series').classed('disabled', false); return d; }); } selection.transition().call(chart); }); /* // legend.dispatch.on('legendMouseover', function(d, i) { d.hover = true; selection.transition().call(chart) }); legend.dispatch.on('legendMouseout', function(d, i) { d.hover = false; selection.transition().call(chart) }); */ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) { if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode); }); }); //TODO: decide if this is a good idea, and if it should be in all models chart.update = function() { chart(selection) }; chart.container = this; // I need a reference to the container in order to have outside code check if the chart is visible or not return chart; } //============================================================ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope) //------------------------------------------------------------ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) { e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top]; dispatch.tooltipShow(e); }); lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) { dispatch.tooltipHide(e); }); dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() { if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup(); }); //============================================================ // Global getters and setters //------------------------------------------------------------ chart.dispatch = dispatch; chart.legend = legend; chart.xAxis = xAxis; chart.yAxis = yAxis; d3.rebind(chart, lines, 'defined', 'isArea', 'x', 'y', 'size', 'xDomain', 'yDomain', 'forceX', 'forceY', 'interactive', 'clipEdge', 'clipVoronoi', 'id'); chart.margin = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return margin; margin = _; return chart; }; chart.width = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return width; width = _; return chart; }; chart.height = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return height; height = _; return chart; }; chart.color = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return color; color = nv.utils.getColor(_); legend.color(color); return chart; }; chart.showLegend = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return showLegend; showLegend = _; return chart; }; chart.tooltips = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return tooltips; tooltips = _; return chart; }; chart.tooltipContent = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return tooltip; tooltip = _; return chart; }; chart.noData = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return noData; noData = _; return chart; }; //============================================================ // Functions //------------------------------------------------------------ /* Normalize the data according to an index point. */ function indexify(idx, data) { return data.map(function(line, i) { var v = lines.y()(line.values[idx], idx); line.values = line.values.map(function(point, pointIndex) { point.display = {'y': (lines.y()(point, pointIndex) - v) / (1 + v) }; return point; }) /* if (v < -.9) { //if a series loses more than 100%, calculations fail.. anything close can cause major distortion (but is mathematically currect till it hits 100) } */ return line; }) } return chart; }