/*** * Creating a separate bar chart for historical view of a single series * this will likely be merged into the bar representation, just developing * it separately to not interfere with the regular bar model */ nv.models.historicalBar = function() { var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}, width = 960, height = 500, id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one getX = function(d) { return d.x }, getY = function(d) { return d.y }, forceX = [], forceY = [], clipEdge = true, color = d3.scale.category10().range(), xDomain, yDomain; var x = d3.scale.linear(), y = d3.scale.linear(), xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient('bottom'), yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient('left'), dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout'); function chart(selection) { selection.each(function(data) { var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right, availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; x .domain(xDomain || d3.extent(data[0].values, getX )) .range([0, availableWidth]); y .domain(yDomain || d3.extent(data[0].values, getY )) //Should 0 always be forced in bar charts? .range([availableHeight, 0]); //.nice(); // remove for consistency? var parent = d3.select(this) .on('click', function(d,i) { dispatch.chartClick({ data: d, index: i, pos: d3.event, id: id }); }); /* var wrap = parent.selectAll('g.wrap').data([data]); var gEnter = wrap.enter(); gEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'wrap').attr('id','wrap-'+id).append('g'); var wrap = parent.selectAll('g.wrap').data([data]); var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'bar'); var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g'); gEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'wrap').attr('id','wrap-'+id).append('g'); */ var wrap = d3.select(this).selectAll('g.d3bar').data([data[0].values]); var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'd3bar'); var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'bars'); wrap.attr('width', width) .attr('height', height); var g = wrap.select('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); wrapEnter.append('defs').append('clipPath') .attr('id', 'chart-clip-path-' + id) .append('rect'); wrap.select('#chart-clip-path-' + id + ' rect') .attr('width', availableWidth) .attr('height', availableHeight); gEnter .attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#chart-clip-path-' + id + ')' : ''); var shiftWrap = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'shiftWrap'); var bars = wrap.select('.bars').selectAll('.bar') .data(function(d) { return d }); bars.exit().remove(); var barsEnter = bars.enter().append('svg:rect') .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'bar negative' : 'bar positive'}) .attr('fill', function(d,i) { return color[0]; }) .attr('x', 0 ) .attr('y', function(d,i) { return y(Math.max(0, getY(d,i))) }) .attr('height', function(d,i) { return Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)) }) .on('mouseover', function(d,i) { d3.select(this).classed('hover', true); dispatch.elementMouseover({ point: d, series: data[0], pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted pointIndex: i, seriesIndex: 0, e: d3.event }); }) .on('mouseout', function(d,i) { d3.select(this).classed('hover', false); dispatch.elementMouseout({ point: d, series: data[0], pointIndex: i, seriesIndex: 0, e: d3.event }); }) .on('click', function(d,i) { dispatch.elementClick({ //label: d[label], value: getY(d,i), data: d, index: i, pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))], e: d3.event, id: id }); d3.event.stopPropagation(); }) .on('dblclick', function(d,i) { dispatch.elementDblClick({ //label: d[label], value: getY(d,i), data: d, index: i, pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))], e: d3.event, id: id }); d3.event.stopPropagation(); }); bars .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'bar negative' : 'bar positive'}) .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + (x(getX(d,i)) - x(.5)) + ',0)'; }) //TODO: this assumes that each bar is an integer apart, it shouldn't .attr('width', x(.9) ) //TODO: this assumes that each bar is an integar apart d3.transition(bars) .attr('y', function(d,i) { return y(Math.max(0, getY(d,i))) }) .attr('height', function(d,i) { return Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)) }); //.order(); // not sure if this makes any sense for this model }); return chart; } chart.dispatch = dispatch; chart.x = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return getX; getX = _; return chart; }; chart.y = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return getY; getY = _; return chart; }; chart.margin = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return margin; margin = _; return chart; }; chart.width = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return width; if (margin.left + margin.right + 20 > _) width = margin.left + margin.right + 20; // Min width.... while this is a good idea, I may move this somewhere else.. OR need to implement in all other logical spots else width = _; return chart; }; chart.height = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return height; if (margin.top + margin.bottom + 20 > _) height = margin.top + margin.bottom + 20; // Min height else height = _; return chart; }; chart.xDomain = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return xDomain; xDomain = _; return chart; }; chart.yDomain = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return yDomain; yDomain = _; return chart; }; chart.forceX = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return forceX; forceX = _; return chart; }; chart.forceY = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return forceY; forceY = _; return chart; }; chart.clipEdge = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return clipEdge; clipEdge = _; return chart; }; chart.color = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return color; color = _; return chart; }; chart.id = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return id; id = _; return chart; }; return chart; }