Basically, the <svg> container will now process all mousemove
events. This allows stackedAreaChart and CumulativeLineChart to
maintain some other forms of interaction.
a svg <rect> element to process mousemove events, we are
attaching the mousemove event to the bounding <svg> container.
This allows stackedAreaChart to maintain some previous interactivity.
were not showing up in the right place, due to issue with d3.mouse.
The solution is to take the svg.getBoundingClientRect(), and
taking 25% of it's top and left values.
Found a few edge cases where errors happen. Creating nv.utils.NaNtoZero()
function, to be used in places where points and lines are rendered.
Using NantoZero in scatter.js and interactiveGuideline.
interactiveGuideline logic. This function is used to find the x point
position given a mouseX location. It's a more robust solution. Made sure
chart tests passed.