local gui = require "navigator.gui" local ts_locals = require "nvim-treesitter.locals" local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" local ts_utils = require "nvim-treesitter.ts_utils" local utils = require "nvim-treesitter.utils" local api = vim.api local util = require "navigator.util" local M = {} local cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(0) local log = require "navigator.util".log local match_kinds = { var = "šŸ‘¹", -- Vampaire method = "šŸ”", -- mac ["function"] = "šŸ¤£", -- Fun parameter = "ī² ", -- Pi associated = "šŸ¤", namespace = "šŸš€", type = "ļ ‹ ", field = "šŸˆ" } local get_icon = function(kind) if kind == nil or match_kinds[kind] == nil then return "šŸŒ²" else return match_kinds[kind] end end --- Get definitions of bufnr (unique and sorted by order of appearance). --- This function copy from treesitter/refactor/navigation.lua local function get_definitions(bufnr) local local_nodes = ts_locals.get_locals(bufnr) -- Make sure the nodes are unique. local nodes_set = {} for _, loc in ipairs(local_nodes) do if loc.definition then ts_locals.recurse_local_nodes( loc.definition, function(_, node, _, match) -- lua doesn't compare tables by value, -- use the value from byte count instead. local _, _, start = node:start() nodes_set[start] = {node = node, type = match or ""} end ) end end -- Sort by order of appearance. local definition_nodes = vim.tbl_values(nodes_set) table.sort( definition_nodes, function(a, b) local _, _, start_a = a.node:start() local _, _, start_b = b.node:start() return start_a < start_b end ) return definition_nodes end local function get_smallest_context(source) local scopes = ts_locals.get_scopes() local current = source while current ~= nil and not vim.tbl_contains(scopes, current) do current = current:parent() end return current or nil end local function prepare_node(node, kind) local matches = {} if node.node then table.insert(matches, {kind = get_icon(kind), def = node.node}) else for name, item in pairs(node) do vim.list_extend(matches, prepare_node(item, name)) end end return matches end local lsp_reference = require "navigator.dochighlight".goto_adjent_reference function M.goto_adjacent_usage(bufnr, delta) local opt = {forward = true} log(delta) if delta < 0 then opt = {forward = false} end local bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() local node_at_point = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor() if not node_at_point then lsp_reference(opt) return end local def_node, scope = ts_locals.find_definition(node_at_point, bufnr) local usages = ts_locals.find_usages(def_node, scope, bufnr) local index = utils.index_of(usages, node_at_point) if not index then lsp_reference(opt) return end local target_index = (index + delta + #usages - 1) % #usages + 1 ts_utils.goto_node(usages[target_index]) end function M.goto_next_usage(bufnr) return M.goto_adjacent_usage(bufnr, 1) end function M.goto_previous_usage(bufnr) return M.goto_adjacent_usage(bufnr, -1) end local function get_all_nodes(bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or 0 if not parsers.has_parser() then print("ts not loaded") end local fname = vim.fn.expand("%:p:f") local uri = vim.uri_from_fname(fname) if bufnr ~= 0 then uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) fname = vim.uri_to_fname(uri) end local display_filename = fname:gsub(cwd .. "/", "./", 1) local all_nodes = {} -- Support completion-nvim customized label map local customized_labels = vim.g.completion_customize_lsp_label or {} -- Force some types to act like they are parents -- instead of neighbors of the next nodes. local containers = { ["function"] = true, ["type"] = true, ["method"] = true } -- Step 2 find correct completions local length = 10 local parents = {} -- stack of nodes a clever algorithm from treesiter refactor @Santos Gallegos for _, def in ipairs(get_definitions(bufnr)) do local n = #parents for i = 1, n do local index = n + 1 - i local parent_def = parents[index] if ts_utils.is_parent(parent_def.node, def.node) or (containers[parent_def.type] and ts_utils.is_parent(parent_def.node:parent(), def.node)) then break else parents[index] = nil end end parents[#parents + 1] = def local nodes = prepare_node(def) local item = {} for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do item.tsdata = node.def or {} item.kind = node.kind item.node_scope = get_smallest_context(item.tsdata) local start_line_node, _, _ = item.tsdata:start() item.node_text = ts_utils.get_node_tex(item.tsdata, bufnr)[1] if item.node_text == "_" then goto continue end item.full_text = vim.trim(api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, start_line_node, start_line_node + 1, false)[1] or "") item.range = ts_utils.node_to_lsp_range(item.tsdata) item.uri = uri item.name = node.node_text item.filename = fname item.display_filename = display_filename item.lnum, item.col, _ = def.node:start() item.lnum = item.lnum + 1 item.col = item.col + 1 local indent = "" if #parents > 1 then indent = string.rep(" ", #parents - 1) .. "ī˜” " end item.text = string.format("%s%s%-10s\tšŸ§© %s", item.kind, indent, item.node_text, item.full_text) if #item.text > length then length = #item.text end table.insert(all_nodes, item) ::continue:: end end return all_nodes, length end function M.buf_ts() if ts_locals == nil then error("treesitter not loaded") return end local all_nodes, width = get_all_nodes() gui.new_list_view({items = all_nodes, prompt = true, rawdata = true, width = width + 10, api = "šŸŽ„"}) end function M.bufs_ts() if ts_locals == nil then error("treesitter not loaded") return end local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() local ts_opened = {} local max_length = 10 for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do local bname = vim.fn.bufname(buf) if #bname > 0 and not util.exclude(bname) then if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buf) then local all_nodes, length = get_all_nodes(buf) if all_nodes ~= nil then if length > max_length then max_length = length end vim.list_extend(ts_opened, all_nodes) end end end end if #ts_opened > 1 then log(ts_opened) gui.new_list_view({items = ts_opened, prompt = true, width = max_length + 10, api = "šŸŽ„"}) end end return M