local type_to_lspkind = { c = 5, m = 7, f = 6, s = 5 } local util = require('navigator.util') local log = util.log local sep = util.path_sep() local vfn = vim.fn local cur_dir = vfn.getcwd() -- convert ctags line to lsp entry local function entry_to_item(entry) local item = {} item.name, item.filename, item.line, item.remain = string.match(entry, '(.*)\t(.*)\t(%d+);(.*)') local type = 'combine' item.remain = item.remain or '' if item.remain:sub(1, 1) == [["]] then type = 'number' end if item.name == nil or item.filename == nil then return end if type == 'combine' then -- '/^type ServerResponse struct {$/;"\ts\tpackage:client' item.inline, item.type, item.containerName, item.ref = string.match(item.remain, '/^(.*)$/;"\t(%a)\t(.+)') else -- '"\tm\tstruct:store.Customer\ttyperef:typename:string' item.type, item.containerName, item.ref = string.match(item.remain, '"\t(%a)\t(.+)') end item.kind = type_to_lspkind[item.type] or 13 item.lnum = tonumber(item.line) - 1 item.location = { uri = 'file://' .. cur_dir .. sep .. item.filename, range = { start = { line = item.lnum, character = 0 }, ['end'] = { line = item.lnum, character = 0 }, }, } item.uri = 'file://' .. cur_dir .. sep .. item.filename item.range = { start = { line = item.lnum, character = 0 }, ['end'] = { line = item.lnum, character = 0 }, } -- item.detail = (item.containerName or '') .. (item.ref or '') -- item.text = '[' .. kind .. ']' .. item.name .. ' ' .. item.detail if item.lnum == nil then vim.notify('incorrect ctags format, need run ctag with "-excmd=number|combine" option') end item.remain = nil return item end local function ctags_gen() local cmd = 'ctags' -- -x -n -u -f - ' .. vfn.expand('%:p') local output = _NgConfigValues.ctags.tagfile local options = '-R --exclude=.git --exclude=node_modules --exclude=test --exclude=vendor --excmd=number ' if _NgConfigValues.ctags then cmd = _NgConfigValues.ctags.cmd options = _NgConfigValues.ctags.options or options end local lang = vim.o.ft options = options .. '--language=' .. lang cmd = cmd .. ' ' .. options cmd = string.format('%s -f %s %s --language=%s', cmd, output, options, lang) log(cmd) vfn.jobstart(cmd, { on_stdout = function(_, _, _) vim.notify('ctags completed') end, on_exit = function(_, data, _) -- id, data, event -- log(vim.inspect(data) .. "exit") if data and data.code ~= 0 then return vim.notify(cmd .. ' failed ' .. tostring(data), vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) else vim.notify('ctags generated') end end, }) end local symbols_to_items = require('navigator.lspwrapper').symbols_to_items local function ctags_symbols() local height = _NgConfigValues.height or 0.4 local width = _NgConfigValues.width or 0.7 height = math.floor(height * vfn.winheight('%')) width = math.floor(width * vfn.winwidth('%')) local items = {} local ctags_file = _NgConfigValues.ctags.tagfile if not util.file_exists(ctags_file) then ctags_gen() end local cnts = util.io_read(ctags_file) if cnts == nil then return vim.notify('ctags file ' .. ctags_file .. ' not found') end cnts = vfn.split(cnts, '\n') for _, value in pairs(cnts) do local it = entry_to_item(value) if it then table.insert(items, it) end end cnts = nil local ft = vim.o.ft local result = symbols_to_items(items) log(result) if next(result) == nil then return vim.notify('no symbols found') end local opt = { api = ' ', ft = ft, bg = 'GHListDark', data = result, items = result, enter = true, loc = 'top_center', transparency = 50, prompt = true, rawdata = true, rect = { height = height, pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0, width = width }, } require('navigator.gui').new_list_view(opt) end -- gen_ctags() local function ctags(...) local gen = select(1, ...) log(gen) if gen == '-g' then ctags_gen() ctags_symbols() else ctags_symbols() end end local function testitem() local e = [[ServerResponse internal/clients/server.go /^type ServerResponse struct {$/;" s package:client]] local ecombine = [[ServerResponse internal/clients/server.go 5;/^type ServerResponse struct {$/;" s package:client]] local enumber = [[CustomerID internal/store/models.go 17;" m struct:store.Customer typeref:typename:string]] local enumber2 = [[CustomerDescription internal/controllers/customer.go 27;" c package:controllers]] local enumber3 = [[add_servers lua/navigator/lspclient/clients.lua 680;" f]] local i = entry_to_item(ecombine) print(vim.inspect(i)) i = entry_to_item(enumber) print(vim.inspect(i)) i = entry_to_item(enumber2) print(vim.inspect(i)) i = entry_to_item(enumber3) print(vim.inspect(i)) i = entry_to_item(e) print(vim.inspect(i)) end -- testitem() -- gen_ctags() -- ctags_symbols() return { ctags_gen = ctags_gen, ctags = ctags, ctags_symbols = ctags_symbols, }