-- https://github.com/lukas-reineke/dotfiles/blob/master/vim/lua/lsp/rename.lua local M = {} local util = require('navigator.util') local gutil = require('guihua.util') local lsphelper = require('navigator.lspwrapper') local symbols_to_items = lsphelper.symbols_to_items local vfn = vim.fn M.add_workspace_folder = function() util.log(vim.ui.input) local input = require('guihua.floating').input input({ prompt = 'Workspace To Add: ', default = vfn.expand('%:p:h') }, function(inputs) vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder(inputs) end) end M.remove_workspace_folder = function() local select = require('guihua.gui').select local folders = vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders() if #folders > 1 then select(folders, { prompt = 'select workspace to delete' }, function(workspace) vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder(workspace) end) end end M.workspace_symbol = function() local input = require('guihua.floating').input input({ prompt = 'Search symbol: ', default = '' }, function(inputs) util.log(inputs) vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol(inputs) end) end function M.workspace_symbol_live() local height = _NgConfigValues.height or 0.4 height = math.floor(height * vfn.winheight('%')) local width = _NgConfigValues.width or 0.7 width = math.floor(width * vfn.winwidth('%')) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ft = vim.o.ft local data = { { text = 'input the symbol name to start fuzzy search' } } for _ = 1, height do table.insert(data, { text = '' }) end local ListView = require('guihua.listview') local opt = { api = ' ', bg = 'GHListDark', data = data, items = data, enter = true, ft = ft, loc = 'top_center', transparency = 50, prompt = true, on_confirm = function(item) vim.defer_fn(function() if item and item.name then require('navigator.symbols').workspace_symbols(item.name) end end, 10) end, on_input_filter = function(text) local params = { query = text or '#' } local results = vim.lsp.buf_request_sync(bufnr, 'workspace/symbol', params) local result for _, r in pairs(results) do -- util.log(r) if r.result then result = r.result break end end if not result then result = {} end local items = symbols_to_items(result) items = gutil.dedup(items, 'name', 'kind') return items end, rect = { height = height, pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0, width = width }, } local win = ListView:new(opt) win:on_draw({}) -- require('guihua.gui').new_list_view(opt) end M.list_workspace_folders = function() local folders = vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders() if #folders > 0 then return require('navigator.gui').new_list_view({ items = folders, border = 'single', rawdata = true, on_move = function() end, }) end end return M