-- retreives data form file -- and line to highlight -- Some of function copied from https://github.com/RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils local M = { log_path = vim.lsp.get_log_path() } function M.get_data_from_file(filename, startLine) local displayLine if startLine < 3 then displayLine = startLine startLine = 0 else startLine = startLine - 2 displayLine = 2 end local uri = "file:///" .. filename local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) local data = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, startLine, startLine + 8, false) if data == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(data) then startLine = nil else local len = #data startLine = startLine + 1 for i = 1, len, 1 do data[i] = startLine .. " " .. data[i] startLine = startLine + 1 end end return { data = data, line = displayLine } end function M.get_base(path) local len = #path for i = len, 1, -1 do if path:sub(i, i) == "/" then local ret = path:sub(i + 1, len) return ret end end end local function getDir(path) local data = {} local len = #path if len <= 1 then return nil end local last_index = 1 for i = 2, len do local cur_char = path:sub(i, i) if cur_char == "/" then local my_data = path:sub(last_index + 1, i - 1) table.insert(data, my_data) last_index = i end end return data end function M.get_relative_path(base_path, my_path) local base_data = getDir(base_path) local my_data = getDir(my_path) local base_len = #base_data local my_len = #my_data if base_len > my_len then return my_path end if base_data[1] ~= my_data[1] then return my_path end local cur = 0 for i = 1, base_len do if base_data[i] ~= my_data[i] then break end cur = i end local data = "" for i = cur + 1, my_len do data = data .. my_data[i] .. "/" end data = data .. M.get_base(my_path) return data end local default_config = { plugin = "navigator", use_console = false, use_file = true, level = "error" } M._log = require("guihua.log").new({level = default_config.level}, true) -- add log to you lsp.log M.log = M._log.info M.verbose = M._log.debug function M.fmt(...) M._log.fmt_info(...) end function M.split(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end local t = {} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end function M.trim_space(s) return s:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") end function M.quickfix_extract(line) -- check if it is a line of file pos been selected local split = M.split line = M.trim_space(line) local sep = split(line, " ") if #sep < 2 then M.log(line) return nil end sep = split(sep[1], ":") if #sep < 3 then M.log(line) return nil end local location = {uri = "file:///" .. sep[1], range = {start = {line = sep[2] - 3 > 0 and sep[2] - 3 or 1}}} location.range["end"] = {line = sep[2] + 15} return location end function M.getArgs(inputstr) local sep = "%s" local t = {} local cmd for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do if not cmd then cmd = str else table.insert(t, str) end end return cmd, t end function M.p(t) print(vim.inspect(t)) end function M.printError(msg) vim.cmd("echohl ErrorMsg") vim.cmd(string.format([[echomsg '%s']], msg)) vim.cmd("echohl None") end function M.reload() vim.lsp.stop_client(vim.lsp.get_active_clients()) vim.cmd [[edit]] end function M.open_log() local path = vim.lsp.get_log_path() vim.cmd("edit " .. path) end function table.pack(...) return {n = select("#", ...), ...} end function M.show(...) local string = "" local args = table.pack(...) for i = 1, args.n do string = string .. tostring(args[i]) .. "\t" end return string .. "\n" end function M.split2(s, sep) local fields = {} sep = sep or " " local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) string.gsub( s, pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end ) return fields end M.open_file = function(filename) vim.api.nvim_command(string.format("e! %s", filename)) end M.open_file_at = function(filename, line) vim.api.nvim_command(string.format("e! +%s %s", line, filename)) end function M.exists(var) for k, _ in pairs(_G) do if k == var then return true end end end function M.partial(func, arg) return (function(...) return func(arg, ...) end) end local exclude_ft = {"scrollbar", "help", "NvimTree"} function M.exclude(fname) for i = 1, #exclude_ft do if string.find(fname, exclude_ft[i]) then return true end end return false end --- virtual text -- name space search local nss local api = vim.api local bufs function M.set_virt_eol(bufnr, lnum, chunks, priority, id) if nss == nil then nss = api.nvim_create_namespace("navigator_search") end bufnr = bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr bufs[bufnr] = true -- id may be nil return api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, nss, lnum, -1, {id = id, virt_text = chunks, priority = priority}) end function M.clear_buf(bufnr) if not bufnr then return end bufnr = bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr if bufs[bufnr] then if api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, nss, 0, -1) -- nvim_buf_del_extmark end bufs[bufnr] = nil end end function M.clear_all_buf() for bufnr in pairs(bufs) do M.clear_buf(bufnr) end bufs = {} end return M