local M = {} local util = require "navigator.util" local gutil = require "guihua.util" local lsp = require "vim.lsp" local api = vim.api local log = require"navigator.util".log local lerr = require"navigator.util".error local trace = require"navigator.util".trace local symbol_kind = require"navigator.lspclient.lspkind".symbol_kind local cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(0) cwd = gutil.add_pec(cwd) ts_nodes = {} ts_nodes_time = {} local ts_enabled, _ = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.locals") local TS_analysis_enabled = require"navigator".config_values().treesitter_analysis -- extract symbol from range function M.get_symbol(text, range) if range == nil then return "" end return string.sub(text, range.start.character + 1, range['end'].character) end local function check_lhs(text, symbol) local find = require'guihua.util'.word_find local s = find(text, symbol) local eq = string.find(text, '=') or 0 local eq2 = string.find(text, '==') or 0 local eq3 = string.find(text, '!=') or 0 local eq4 = string.find(text, '~=') or 0 if not s or not eq then return false end if s < eq and eq ~= eq2 then log(symbol, "modified") end if eq == eq3 + 1 then return false end if eq == eq4 + 1 then return false end return s < eq and eq ~= eq2 end function M.lines_from_locations(locations, include_filename) local fnamemodify = (function(filename) if include_filename then return vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ":~:.") .. ":" else return "" end end) local lines = {} for _, loc in ipairs(locations) do table.insert(lines, (fnamemodify(loc["filename"]) .. loc["lnum"] .. ":" .. loc["col"] .. ": " .. vim.trim(loc["text"]))) end return lines end function M.symbols_to_items(result) local locations = {} -- log(result) for i = 1, #result do local item = result[i].location if item ~= nil and item.range ~= nil then item.kind = result[i].kind local kind = symbol_kind(item.kind) item.name = result[i].name -- symbol name item.text = result[i].name if kind ~= nil then item.text = kind .. ": " .. item.text end item.filename = vim.uri_to_fname(item.uri) item.display_filename = item.filename:gsub(cwd .. "/", "./", 1) if item.range == nil or item.range.start == nil then log("range not set", result[i], item) end item.lnum = item.range.start.line + 1 if item.containerName ~= nil then item.text = " " .. item.containerName .. item.text end table.insert(locations, item) end end -- local items = locations_to_items(locations) -- log(locations[1]) return locations end local function extract_result(results_lsp) if results_lsp then local results = {} for _, server_results in pairs(results_lsp) do if server_results.result then vim.list_extend(results, server_results.result) end end return results end end function M.check_capabilities(feature, client_id) local clients = lsp.buf_get_clients(client_id or 0) local supported_client = false for _, client in pairs(clients) do supported_client = client.resolved_capabilities[feature] if supported_client then goto continue end end ::continue:: if supported_client then return true else if #clients == 0 then print("LSP: no client attached") else print("LSP: server does not support " .. feature) end return false end end function M.call_sync(method, params, opts, handler) params = params or {} opts = opts or {} local results_lsp, err = lsp.buf_request_sync(0, method, params, opts.timeout or vim.g.navtator_timeout or 1000) handler(err, method, extract_result(results_lsp), nil, nil) end function M.call_async(method, params, handler) params = params or {} local callback = function(...) util.show(...) handler(...) end return lsp.buf_request(0, method, params, callback) -- results_lsp, canceller end local function ts_functions(uri) if not ts_enabled or not TS_analysis_enabled then lerr("ts not enabled") return nil end local ts_func = require"navigator.treesitter".buf_func local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) local x = os.clock() trace(ts_nodes) if ts_nodes[uri] ~= nil then local t = ts_nodes_time[uri] local fname = vim.uri_to_fname(uri) local modified = vim.fn.getftime(fname) if modified <= t then trace(t, modified) return ts_nodes[uri] end end local unload = false if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then trace("! load buf !", uri, bufnr) vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) unload = true end local funcs = ts_func(bufnr) if unload then local cmd = string.format("bd %d", bufnr) trace(cmd) -- vim.cmd(cmd) -- todo: not sure if it is needed end ts_nodes[uri] = funcs ts_nodes_time[uri] = os.time() trace(funcs, ts_nodes) trace(string.format("elapsed time: %.4f\n", os.clock() - x)) -- how long it tooks return funcs end local function ts_defination(uri, range) if not ts_enabled or not TS_analysis_enabled then lerr("ts not enabled") return nil end local ts_def = require"navigator.treesitter".find_definition local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) local x = os.clock() trace(ts_nodes) local unload = false if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then log("! load buf !", uri, bufnr) vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) unload = true end local def_range = ts_def(range, bufnr) if unload then local cmd = string.format("bd %d", bufnr) log(cmd) -- vim.cmd(cmd) -- todo: not sure if it is needed end trace(string.format(" ts def elapsed time: %.4f\n", os.clock() - x), def_range) -- how long it takes return def_range end local function find_ts_func_by_range(funcs, range) if funcs == nil or range == nil then return nil end local result = {} trace(funcs, range) for _, value in pairs(funcs) do local func_range = value.node_scope -- note treesitter is C style if func_range and func_range.start.line <= range.start.line and func_range['end'].line >= range['end'].line then table.insert(result, value) end end return result end function M.locations_to_items(locations) if not locations or vim.tbl_isempty(locations) then print("list not avalible") return end local width = 4 local items = {} -- lsp.util.locations_to_items(locations) -- items and locations may not matching table.sort(locations, function(i, j) if i.uri == j.uri then if i.range and i.range.start then return i.range.start.line < j.range.start.line end return false else return i.uri < j.uri end end) local uri_def = {} for i, loc in ipairs(locations) do local item = lsp.util.locations_to_items({loc})[1] item.uri = locations[i].uri local funcs = ts_functions(item.uri) item.range = locations[i].range if TS_analysis_enabled then if uri_def[item.uri] == nil or uri_def[item.uri] == {} then -- find def in file local def = ts_defination(item.uri, item.range) if def and def.start then uri_def[item.uri] = def if def.start then -- find for the 1st time for i = 1, #items do if items[i].uri == item.uri and items[i].range.start.line == def.start.line then items[i].definition = true end end end end end trace(uri_def[item.uri], item.range) -- set to log if need to get all in rnge local def = uri_def[item.uri] if def and def.start and item.range then if def.start.line == item.range.start.line then log("ts def in current line") item.definition = true end end end item.filename = assert(vim.uri_to_fname(item.uri)) local filename = item.filename:gsub(cwd .. "/", "./", 1) item.display_filename = filename or item.filename item.call_by = find_ts_func_by_range(funcs, item.range) item.rpath = util.get_relative_path(cwd, item.filename) width = math.max(width, #item.text) item.symbol_name = M.get_symbol(item.text, item.range) item.lhs = check_lhs(item.text, item.symbol_name) table.insert(items, item) end trace(uri_def) return items, width + 24 -- TODO handle long line? end function M.symbol_to_items(locations) if not locations or vim.tbl_isempty(locations) then print("list not avalible") return end local items = {} -- lsp.util.locations_to_items(locations) -- items and locations may not matching table.sort(locations, function(i, j) if i.uri == j.uri then if i.range and i.range.start then return i.range.start.line < j.range.start.line end return false else return i.uri < j.uri end end) for i, _ in ipairs(locations) do local item = {} -- lsp.util.locations_to_items({loc})[1] item.uri = locations[i].uri item.range = locations[i].range item.filename = assert(vim.uri_to_fname(item.uri)) local filename = item.filename:gsub(cwd .. "/", "./", 1) item.display_filename = filename or item.filename item.rpath = util.get_relative_path(cwd, item.filename) table.insert(items, item) end return items end return M