local util = require "navigator.util" local log = util.log local trace = util.trace local mk_handler = util.mk_handler local api = vim.api local references = {} _NG_hi_list = {} _NG_current_symbol = "" _NG_ref_hi_idx = 1 -- extract symbol from cursor local function get_symbol() local currentWord = vim.fn.expand('') return currentWord end local function add_locs(bufnr, result) local symbol = get_symbol() if #result < 1 then return end symbol = string.format("%s_%i_%i_%i", symbol, bufnr, result[1].range.start.line, result[1].range.start.character) if _NG_hi_list[symbol] == nil then _NG_hi_list[symbol] = {range = {}} end if _NG_hi_list[symbol] ~= nil then trace("already added", symbol) _NG_hi_list[symbol].range = {} -- vim.fn.matchdelete(hid) end trace("add ", symbol) _NG_hi_list[symbol].range = result _NG_current_symbol = symbol end local function nohl() for key, value in pairs(_NG_hi_list) do if value.hi_ids ~= nil then for _, v in ipairs(value.hi_ids) do trace("delete", v) vim.fn.matchdelete(v) end _NG_hi_list[key].hi_ids = nil end end end local function hi_symbol() local symbol_wd = get_symbol() local symbol = _NG_current_symbol if string.find(symbol, symbol_wd) == nil then vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight() symbol = _NG_current_symbol end if symbol == nil or symbol == "" then log("nil symbol") return end _NG_ref_hi_idx = _NG_ref_hi_idx + 1 if _NG_ref_hi_idx > 6 then -- 6 magic number for colors _NG_ref_hi_idx = 1 end local range = _NG_hi_list[symbol].range or {} if _NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids ~= nil then for _, value in ipairs(_NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids) do log("delete", value) vim.fn.matchdelete(value) end _NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids = nil return end local cur_pos = vim.fn.getpos('.') _NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids = {} local totalref = #range local cmd = string.format("%s/\\<%s\\>//gn", "%s", symbol_wd) local total_match = 0 local match_result = vim.api.nvim_exec(cmd, true) local p = match_result:find(" match") vim.cmd("nohl") vim.fn.setpos('.', cur_pos) if p ~= nil then p = match_result:sub(1, p) total_match = tonumber(p) end if total_match == totalref then -- same number as matchpos trace(total_match, "use matchadd()") local k = range[1].kind local hi_name = string.format("NGHiReference_%i_%i", _NG_ref_hi_idx, k) local m = string.format("\\<%s\\>", symbol_wd) local r = vim.fn.matchadd(hi_name, m, 20) trace("hi id", m, hi_name, r) table.insert(_NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids, r) -- -- vim.fn.matchdelete(r) else for _, value in ipairs(range) do local k = value.kind local l = value.range.start.line + 1 local el = value.range['end'].line + 1 local cs = value.range.start.character + 1 local ecs = value.range['end'].character + 1 if el ~= l and cs == 1 and ecs > 1 then l = el end local w = value.range['end'].character - value.range.start.character local hi_name = string.format("NGHiReference_%i_%i", _NG_ref_hi_idx, k) trace(hi_name, {l, cs, w}) local m = vim.fn.matchaddpos(hi_name, {{l, cs, w}}, 10) table.insert(_NG_hi_list[symbol].hi_ids, m) end end -- clean the _NG_hi_list for key, value in pairs(_NG_hi_list) do if value.hi_ids == nil then _NG_hi_list[key] = nil end end -- log(_NG_hi_list) end -- returns r1 < r2 based on start of range local function before(r1, r2) if r1.start.line < r2.start.line then return true end if r2.start.line < r1.start.line then return false end if r1.start.character < r2.start.character then return true end return false end local handle_document_highlight = mk_handler(function(_, result, ctx) trace(result) if not ctx.bufnr then log("ducment highlight error", result, ctx) return end if type(result) ~= "table" then log("clear up") vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references(ctx.bufnr) return end table.sort(result, function(a, b) return before(a.range, b.range) end) references[ctx.bufnr] = result vim.lsp.util.buf_highlight_references(ctx.bufnr, result) end) -- modify from vim-illuminate local function goto_adjent_reference(opt) trace(opt) opt = vim.tbl_extend("force", {forward = true, wrap = true}, opt or {}) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local refs = references[bufnr] if not refs or #refs == 0 then return nil end local next = nil local nexti = nil local crow, ccol = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) local crange = {start = {line = crow - 1, character = ccol}} for i, ref in ipairs(refs) do local range = ref.range if opt.forward then if before(crange, range) and (not next or before(range, next)) then next = range nexti = i end else if before(range, crange) and (not next or before(next, range)) then next = range nexti = i end log(nexti, next) end end if not next and opt.wrap then nexti = opt.reverse and #refs or 1 next = refs[nexti].range end trace(next) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {next.start.line + 1, next.start.character}) return next end local function cmd_nohl() local cl = vim.trim(vim.fn.getcmdline()) if #cl > 3 and ('nohlsearch'):match(cl) then vim.schedule(nohl) end end _G.nav_doc_hl = function() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ref_params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params() vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, client_id, bufnr) if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight then client.request("textDocument/documentHighlight", ref_params, handle_document_highlight, bufnr) end end) end local function documentHighlight() api.nvim_exec([[ autocmd ColorScheme * | hi default LspReferenceRead cterm=bold gui=Bold ctermbg=yellow guifg=yellow guibg=purple4 | hi default LspReferenceText cterm=bold gui=Bold ctermbg=red guifg=SlateBlue guibg=MidnightBlue | hi default LspReferenceWrite cterm=bold gui=Bold,Italic ctermbg=red guifg=DarkSlateBlue guibg=MistyRose augroup lsp_document_highlight autocmd! * autocmd CursorHold lua nav_doc_hl() autocmd CursorMoved lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references() augroup END ]], false) vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/documentHighlight"] = mk_handler(function(err, result, ctx) local bufnr = ctx.bufnr if err then print(err) return end if not result then return end trace("dochl", result) bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references(bufnr) vim.lsp.util.buf_highlight_references(bufnr, result) bufnr = bufnr or 0 if type(result) ~= "table" then vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references(bufnr) return end table.sort(result, function(a, b) return before(a.range, b.range) end) references[bufnr] = result add_locs(bufnr, result) end) end return { documentHighlight = documentHighlight, goto_adjent_reference = goto_adjent_reference, handle_document_highlight = handle_document_highlight, hi_symbol = hi_symbol, nohl = nohl, cmd_nohl = cmd_nohl }