parameter { position = { character = 6, line = 13 }, textDocument = { uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/interface.go" } } --[[ -- incomming/outgoing dir from result { { from = { detail = "command-line-arguments • interface.go", kind = 12, name = "m2", range = { end = { character = 7, line = 39 }, start = { character = 5, line = 39 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 7, line = 39 }, start = { character = 5, line = 39 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, fromRanges = { { end = { character = 8, line = 40 }, start = { character = 1, line = 40 } } } }, { from = { detail = "command-line-arguments • interface.go", kind = 12, name = "main", range = { end = { character = 9, line = 43 }, start = { character = 5, line = 43 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 9, line = 43 }, start = { character = 5, line = 43 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, fromRanges = { { end = { character = 11, line = 47 }, start = { character = 4, line = 47 } }, { end = { character = 11, line = 48 }, start = { character = 4, line = 48 } } } } } --]] -- [[ locations/reference from lsp { { range = { ["end"] = { character = 20, line = 26 }, start = { character = 16, line = 26 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, { range = { ["end"] = { character = 22, line = 35 }, start = { character = 18, line = 35 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" } } --]] -- definition definition.lua:9: { { range = { end = { character = 12, line = 33 }, start = { character = 5, line = 33 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" } } -- def preview def-preview { [3] = { result = { { range = { end = { character = 12, line = 33 }, start = { character = 5, line = 33 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" } } } } -- symbol { { containerName = "command-line-arguments", kind = 11, location = { range = { end = { character = 13, line = 7 }, start = { character = 5, line = 7 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, name = "command-line-arguments.geometry" }, { containerName = "command-line-arguments", kind = 23, location = { range = { end = { character = 9, line = 12 }, start = { character = 5, line = 12 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, name = "command-line-arguments.rect" }, { containerName = "command-line-arguments", kind = 12, location = { range = { end = { character = 9, line = 43 }, start = { character = 5, line = 43 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, name = "command-line-arguments.main" }, { containerName = "command-line-arguments", kind = 6, location = { range = { end = { character = 8, line = 8 }, start = { character = 4, line = 8 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, name = "command-line-arguments.geometry.area" }, { containerName = "command-line-arguments", kind = 8, location = { range = { end = { character = 9, line = 13 }, start = { character = 4, line = 13 } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" }, name = "command-line-arguments.rect.width" }} { diagnostics = { { code = "UnusedVar", codeDescription = { href = "" }, message = "d declared but not used", range = { end = { character = 5, line = 46 }, start = { character = 4, line = 46 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler" }, { code = "WrongArgCount", codeDescription = { href = "" }, message = "missing argument in conversion to circle", range = { end = { character = 17, line = 46 }, start = { character = 9, line = 46 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler" } }, uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp-test/go/interface.go" } -- range actions { { edit = { documentChanges = { { edits = { { newText = '\nimport (\n\t"fmt"\n\t"log"\n)\n', range = { end = { character = 0, line = 1 }, start = { character = 0, line = 1 } } } }, textDocument = { uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/ref.go", version = 0 } } } }, kind = "source.organizeImports", title = "Organize Imports" }, { command = { arguments = { { Fix = "undeclared_name", Range = { end = { character = 20, line = 4 }, start = { character = 16, line = 4 } }, URI = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/ref.go" } }, command = "gopls.apply_fix", title = "undeclared name: rect" }, diagnostics = { { code = "UndeclaredName", codeDescription = { href = "" }, message = "undeclared name: rect", range = { end = { character = 20, line = 4 }, start = { character = 16, line = 4 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler", tags = { 1 } } }, edit = {}, kind = "quickfix", title = "undeclared name: rect" }, { command = { arguments = { { Fix = "extract_function", Range = { end = { character = 16, line = 6 }, start = { character = 0, line = 4 } }, URI = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/ref.go" } }, command = "gopls.apply_fix", title = "Extract to function" }, edit = {}, kind = "refactor.extract", title = "Extract to function" } } -- code action { { diagnostics = { { code = "UndeclaredName", codeDescription = { href = "" }, message = "undeclared name: log", range = { end = { character = 4, line = 6 }, start = { character = 1, line = 6 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler" } }, edit = { documentChanges = { { edits = { { newText = '\nimport "log"\n', range = { end = { character = 0, line = 1 }, start = { character = 0, line = 1 } } } }, textDocument = { uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/ref.go", version = 0 } } } }, kind = "quickfix", title = 'Add import: "log"' }, { edit = { documentChanges = { { edits = { { newText = '\nimport (\n\t"fmt"\n\t"log"\n)\n', range = { end = { character = 0, line = 1 }, start = { character = 0, line = 1 } } } }, textDocument = { uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/ref.go", version = 0 } } } }, kind = "source.organizeImports", title = "Organize Imports" } } -- workspace symbols { { containerName = "std", kind = 5, location = { range = { end = { character = 44, line = 277 }, start = { character = 23, line = 277 } }, uri = "file:///Applications/" }, name = "recursive_timed_mutex" }, { containerName = "std::recursive_timed_mutex", kind = 9, location = { range = { end = { character = 25, line = 288 }, start = { character = 4, line = 288 } }, uri = "file:///Applications/" }, name = "recursive_timed_mutex" }, { containerName = "std::recursive_timed_mutex", kind = 9, location = { range = { end = { character = 26, line = 284 }, start = { character = 5, line = 284 } }, uri = "file:///Applications/" }, name = "recursive_timed_mutex" }, { containerName = "std", kind = 5, location = { range = { end = { character = 41, line = 683 }, start = { character = 27, line = 683 } }, uri = "file:///Applications/" }, name = "remove_const_t" },} -- doc symbols { { children = { { kind = 6, name = "area", range = { end = { character = 15, line = 8 }, start = { character = 1, line = 8 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 5, line = 8 }, start = { character = 1, line = 8 } } }, { kind = 6, name = "perim", range = { end = { character = 16, line = 9 }, start = { character = 1, line = 9 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 6, line = 9 }, start = { character = 1, line = 9 } } } }, detail = "interface{...}", kind = 11, name = "geometry", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 10 }, start = { character = 5, line = 7 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 13, line = 7 }, start = { character = 5, line = 7 } } }, { children = { { detail = "float64", kind = 8, name = "width", range = { end = { character = 22, line = 13 }, start = { character = 1, line = 13 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 6, line = 13 }, start = { character = 1, line = 13 } } }, { detail = "float64", kind = 8, name = "height", range = { end = { character = 22, line = 13 }, start = { character = 1, line = 13 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 14, line = 13 }, start = { character = 8, line = 13 } } } }, detail = "struct{...}", kind = 23, name = "rect", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 14 }, start = { character = 5, line = 12 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 9, line = 12 }, start = { character = 5, line = 12 } } }, { children = { { detail = "float64", kind = 8, name = "radius", range = { end = { character = 15, line = 17 }, start = { character = 1, line = 17 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 7, line = 17 }, start = { character = 1, line = 17 } } } }, detail = "struct{...}", kind = 23, name = "circle", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 18 }, start = { character = 5, line = 16 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 11, line = 16 }, start = { character = 5, line = 16 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 6, name = "(rect).area", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 22 }, start = { character = 0, line = 20 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 18, line = 20 }, start = { character = 14, line = 20 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 6, name = "(rect).perim", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 26 }, start = { character = 0, line = 24 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 19, line = 24 }, start = { character = 14, line = 24 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 6, name = "(circle).area", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 30 }, start = { character = 0, line = 28 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 20, line = 28 }, start = { character = 16, line = 28 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 6, name = "(circle).perim", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 34 }, start = { character = 0, line = 32 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 21, line = 32 }, start = { character = 16, line = 32 } } }, { detail = "(g geometry)", kind = 12, name = "measure", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 40 }, start = { character = 0, line = 36 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 12, line = 36 }, start = { character = 5, line = 36 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 12, name = "m2", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 44 }, start = { character = 0, line = 42 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 7, line = 42 }, start = { character = 5, line = 42 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 12, name = "M2", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 48 }, start = { character = 0, line = 46 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 7, line = 46 }, start = { character = 5, line = 46 } } }, { detail = "()", kind = 12, name = "main", range = { end = { character = 1, line = 57 }, start = { character = 0, line = 50 } }, selectionRange = { end = { character = 9, line = 50 }, start = { character = 5, line = 50 } } } } -- workspace request { [2] = { result = { { kind = 13, location = { range = { end = { character = 7, line = 0 }, start = { character = 6, line = 0 } }, uri = "file:///usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/query.lua" }, name = "a", range = { 7, 7 } },{ kind = 13, location = { range = { end = { character = 14, line = 1 }, start = { character = 6, line = 1 } }, uri = "file:///usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/query.lua" }, name = "language", range = { 25, 32 } }, }} -- get diagnostics response { { code = "UndeclaredName", codeDescription = { href = "" }, col = 16, display_filename = "./interface.go", filename = "/Users/username/lsp_test/go/interface.go", lnum = 38, message = "undeclared name: geometry", range = { end = { character = 23, line = 37 }, start = { character = 15, line = 37 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler", tags = { 1 }, text = "🈲func measure(g geometry) int {📛undeclared name: geometry", uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/interface.go" },{ code = "UndeclaredName", codeDescription = { href = "" }, col = 9, display_filename = "./interface.go", filename = "/Users/username/lsp_test/go/interface.go", lnum = 30, message = "undeclared name: circle", range = { end = { character = 14, line = 29 }, start = { character = 8, line = 29 } }, severity = 1, source = "compiler", tags = { 1 }, text = "🈲func (c circle) area() float64 {📛undeclared name: circle", uri = "file:///Users/username/lsp_test/go/interface.go" } }