You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
3.2 KiB

local ok, neoai = pcall(require, "neoai")
if not ok then
vim.notify("missing module neoai", vim.log.levels.WARN)
local config = {
-- Below are the default options, feel free to override what you would like changed
ui = {
output_popup_text = "NeoAI",
input_popup_text = "Prompt",
width = 30, -- As percentage eg. 30%
output_popup_height = 80, -- As percentage eg. 80%
submit = "<Enter>", -- Key binding to submit the prompt
models = {
-- {
-- name = "openai",
-- model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
-- params = nil,
-- },
name = "openai",
model = "dolphin-mixtral",
params = {
temperature = 0.2
register_output = {
["g"] = function(output)
return output
["c"] = require("neoai.utils").extract_code_snippets,
inject = {
cutoff_width = 75,
prompts = {
context_prompt = function(context)
return "Hey, I'd like to provide some context for future "
.. "messages. Here is the code/text that I want to refer "
.. "to in our upcoming conversations:\n\n"
.. context
mappings = {
["select_up"] = "<C-k>",
["select_down"] = "<C-j>",
open_ai = {
api_base = "http://localai.srvlan:8080/v1",
api_key = {
value = nil,
-- `get` is is a function that retrieves an API key, can be used to override the default method.
-- get = function() ... end
-- Here is some code for a function that retrieves an API key. You can use it with
-- the Linux 'pass' application.
-- get = function()
-- local key = vim.fn.system("pass show openai/mytestkey")
-- key = string.gsub(key, "\n", "")
-- return key
-- end,
shortcuts = {
name = "textify",
key = "<leader>as",
desc = "fix text with AI",
use_context = true,
prompt = [[
Please rewrite the text to make it more readable, clear,
concise, and fix any grammatical, punctuation, or spelling
modes = { "v" },
strip_function = nil,
name = "gitcommit",
key = "<leader>ag",
desc = "generate git commit message",
use_context = false,
prompt = function()
return [[
Using the following git diff generate a consise and
clear git commit message, with a short title summary
that is 75 characters or less:
]] .. vim.fn.system("git diff --cached")
modes = { "n" },
strip_function = nil,
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
return M