You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
916 B

--TODO: migrate to noirbuddy
local c = require("base46.colors")
local colors = require("base46").get_theme_tb "base_30"
-- local theme = require("base46").get_theme_tb "base_16"
local ts_context_hl = c.change_hex_saturation(colors["yellow"], -20)
local ts_context_hl = c.change_hex_lightness(ts_context_hl, -55)
local highlights = {
-- TreesitterContext = {
-- bg = ts_context_hl,
-- },
-- InlayHint = {
-- fg = "#a9a19a",
-- },
-- Comment = {
-- fg = c.change_hex_lightness(colors["one_bg"], 20),
-- },
St_file_sep_rev = {
fg = colors.statusline_bg,
bg = colors.lightbg,
-- DiagnosticUnderlineError = {
-- fg = c.change_hex_lightness(colors["red"], 5),
-- underline = true,
-- },
function set_hl()
for hl, col in pairs(highlights) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl, col)
-- setup section