You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.6 KiB

local M = {}
local opts = {
icons = { expanded = "", collapsed = "", current_frame = "" },
mappings = {
-- Use a table to apply multiple mappings
expand = { "<CR>", "<2-LeftMouse>" },
open = "o",
remove = "d",
edit = "e",
repl = "r",
toggle = "t",
-- Expand lines larger than the window
-- Requires >= 0.7
expand_lines = true,
-- Layouts define sections of the screen to place windows.
-- The position can be "left", "right", "top" or "bottom".
-- The size specifies the height/width depending on position. It can be an Int
-- or a Float. Integer specifies height/width directly (i.e. 20 lines/columns) while
-- Float value specifies percentage (i.e. 0.3 - 30% of available lines/columns)
-- Elements are the elements shown in the layout (in order).
-- Layouts are opened in order so that earlier layouts take priority in window sizing.
layouts = {
elements = {
-- Elements can be strings or table with id and size keys.
{ id = "scopes", size = 0.5 },
{ id = "breakpoints", size = 0.25 },
{ id = "stacks", size = 0.25 },
-- "watches",
size = 40, -- 40 columns
position = "left",
elements = {
{ id = "repl", size = 0.7 },
{ id = "watches", size = 0.5 },
-- "console",
size = 10, -- 25% of total lines
position = "bottom",
-- where to display controls
controls = {
-- Requires Neovim nightly (or 0.8 when released)
enabled = true,
-- Display controls in this element
element = "repl",
icons = {
pause = "",
play = "",
step_into = "",
step_over = "",
step_out = "",
step_back = "",
run_last = "",
terminate = "",
floating = {
border = "single", -- Border style. Can be "single", "double" or "rounded"
mappings = {
close = { "q", "<Esc>" },
render = {
max_type_length = nil, -- Can be integer or nil.
max_value_lines = 100, -- Can be integer or nil.
M.setup = function()
local ok, dapui = pcall(require, "dapui")
if not ok then
vim.notify("missing module dapui", vim.log.levels.WARN)
M.opts = opts
return M