priority -55 global !p from vimsnippets import foldmarker, make_box, get_comment_format endglobal ################ # ANSI Color Codes # ################ # The table starts with the original 16 colors (0-15). # The proceeding 216 colors (16-231) or formed by a 3bpc RGB value offset by # 16, packed into a single value. # The final 24 colors (232-256) are grayscale # starting from a shade slighly lighter than black, ranging up to shade slightly # darker than white. # Some emulators interpret these steps as linear # increments from (256 / 24) on all three channels, although some emulators may # explicitly define these values. snippet ansi_fg "Foreground ANSI 256 Color Code" i \033[38;5;${1:00}m endsnippet snippet ansi_bg "Background ANSI 256 Color Code" i \033[48;5;${1:00}m endsnippet snippet ansi_reset "Reset ANSI 256 Color Code" i \033[0m endsnippet