local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) local options = {noremap = true} if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts) end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end local opt = {} -- dont copy any deleted text , this is disabled by default so uncomment the below mappings if you want them! --[[ remove this line map("n", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt) map("v", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt) map("v", "x", [=[ "_x ]=], opt) this line too ]] -- OPEN TERMINALS -- map("n", "", [[vnew term://bash]], opt) -- over right map("n", "", [[ split term://bash| resize 10 ]], opt) -- bottom map("n", "t", [[ tabnew | term ]], opt) -- newtab -- COPY EVERYTHING in the file-- map("n", "", [[ %y+]], opt) -- toggle numbers --- map("n", "n", [[ set nu!]], opt) -- toggle truezen.nvim's ataraxis and minimalist mode map("n", "z", [[ TZAtaraxis]], opt) map("n", "m", [[ TZMinimalist]], opt) map("n", "", [[ w ]], opt) -- save