return { ensure_installed = { "query", "css", "lua", "go", "rust", "fish", "bash", "python", "c", "cpp", "haskell", "javascript", "html", "markdown", "markdown_inline", "make", "sql", "yaml", "toml", "vue", }, highlight = { enable = true, disable = function (lang, bufnr) return lang == "help" end }, incremental_selection = { enable = true, keymaps = { init_selection = "", node_incremental = "", node_decremental = "", scope_incremental = "", } }, -- textsubjects = { -- enable = true, -- prev_selection = "", -- keymaps = { -- [""] = "textsubjects-smart", -- works in visual mode -- } -- }, -- rainbow = { enable = true, extended_mode = true, }, textobjects = { enable = true, select = { enable = true, lookahead = true, keymaps = { -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm ["af"] = "@function.outer", ["if"] = "@function.inner", ["aF"] = "@field.outer", ["ac"] = "@class.outer", ["ic"] = "@class.inner", ["aC"] = "@conditional.outer", ["iC"] = "@conditional.inner", ["ae"] = "@block.outer", ["ie"] = "@block.inner", ["al"] = "@loop.outer", ["il"] = "@loop.inner", ["is"] = "@statement.inner", ["as"] = "@statement.outer", ["ad"] = "@comment.outer", ["am"] = "@call.outer", ["im"] = "@call.inner", } }, move = { enable = true, set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist goto_next_start = { ["]]"] = "@function.outer", ["]C"] = "@class.outer", }, goto_next_end = { ["]["] = "@function.outer", }, goto_previous_start = { ["[["] = "@function.outer", ["[C"] = "@class.outer" }, goto_previous_end = { ["[]"] = "@function.outer", } }, swap = { enable = true, swap_next = { ["~"] = "@parameter.inner" }, } }, playground = { enable = true, } }