#!/bin/bash RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' ORANGE='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color REPO="https://github.com/siduck76/NvChad.git" skip=0 nvchad_path="$HOME/.config/nvim/" dependencies=( "git" ) preserved_files=( "lua/mappings.lua" "lua/user_config.lua" ) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux prompt() { case ${1} in "-s" | "--success") printf "${GREEN}%s${NC}\n" "${2}" ;; "-e" | "--error") printf "${RED}%s${NC}\n" "${2}" ;; "-w" | "--warning") printf "${ORANGE}%s${NC}\n" "${2}" ;; "-i" | "--info") printf "${BLUE}%s${NC}\n" "${2}" ;; *) printf "${GREEN}%s${NC}\n" "${2}" ;; esac } _usage() { printf "%s" \ "Usage: ./${0##*/} [ options ] -h, --help -> Show this help. -i, --install -> Install the config. -r, --remove -> Remove the config. -u, --update -> Update the existing config without removing existing stuff. " } _remove() { prompt -w "Removing config -> ($HOME/.config/nvim/)" # rm -rf "$HOME/.config/nvim/" prompt -w "Removing miscellaneous -> ($HOME/.local/share/nvim/)" # rm -rf "$HOME/.local/share/nvim/" prompt -w "Removing cache -> ($HOME/.cache/nvim/)" # rm -rf "$HOME/.cache/nvim/" } _check_dependencies() { local err for i in "${dependencies[@]}"; do if ! command -v "${i}" &> /dev/null then prompt -e "Error: You need to install the dependency '${i}'" err="true" fi done if [[ "${err}" == "true" ]]; then exit 1 fi } _fetch() { printf " + %s\n" "$(prompt -i "Fetching repo...")" git clone -n ${REPO} --depth 1 "${nvchad_path}" cd "${nvchad_path}" || return printf " + %s\n" "$(prompt -i "Checking out core...")" git checkout HEAD lua/ printf " + %s\n" "$(prompt -i "Checking out init file...")" git checkout HEAD init.lua } _install() { prompt -w "-> Checking dependencies..." _check_dependencies prompt -w "-> Cloning..." _fetch } # _update() {} _skip_ahead() { amount=$1 skip=$((skip + amount)) } _parse_args() { local func_args=$1 local argv=("$@") unset 'argv[0]' # becuase arg1 is $func_arg for i in "${!argv[@]}"; do new_array+=( "${argv[i]}" ); done argv=("${new_array[@]}") unset new_array local argc=${#argv[@]} _skip_ahead() { amount=$1 skip=$((skip + amount)) } _clean_arg() { arg=$1 if [[ "$arg" == "--"* ]]; then echo "${arg:2}" elif [[ "$arg" == "-"* ]]; then echo "${arg:1}" fi } for j in "${!argv[@]}"; do if [[ ${skip} -gt 0 ]]; then left=$((argc - j)) while [[ ${skip} > ${left} ]]; do ((skip--)); done skip=$((skip - 1)) continue fi case ${argv[j]} in --*) # End of all options. case ${argv[j]} in --) # End of all options. break ;; *) # eval "${func_args}" "$(_clean_arg "${argv[j]}")" "$j" eval "${func_args}" "${argv[j]}" "$j" ;; esac ;; -*) if [[ ${#argv[j]} -le 2 ]]; then eval "${func_args}" "${argv[j]}" "$j" else tangled_args=$(_clean_arg "${argv[j]}") for ((k = 0; k < ${#tangled_args}; k++)); do eval "${func_args}" "-${tangled_args:$k:1}" "$j" done fi ;; *) eval "${func_args}" "${argv[j]}" "$j" ;; esac done } main() { local argvs=("$@") local argc=${#argvs[@]} assert_aditional_args() { var=$1 # flag index=$2 # flag's index case ${var} in -p=* | --path=*) nvchad_path="${var#*=}" ;; esac } assert_args() { var=$1 # flag index=$2 # flag's index case ${var} in -h | --help) _usage ;; -i | --install) prompt -i "Installing NvChad..." _install ;; -r | --remove) prompt -i "Removing NvChad..." _remove ;; -u | --update) prompt -i "Updating NvChad..." ;; -p=* | --path=*) ;; *) prompt -w "Warning: unknown command '${var}'" ;; esac } _parse_args "assert_aditional_args" "${argvs[@]}" _parse_args "assert_args" "${argvs[@]}" } init() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then prompt -e "ERROR: This script needs at least one argument" else main "${@}" fi } init "${@}"