local opt = vim.opt local g = vim.g local config = require("core.utils").load_config() g.vim_version = vim.version().minor g.nvchad_theme = config.ui.theme g.toggle_theme_icon = "  " g.transparency = config.ui.transparency g.theme_switcher_loaded = false -- g.fg_man_folding_enable = true -- enable folding for man pages if vim.fn.executable("sh") then opt.shell = vim.fn.exepath("sh") end -- use filetype.lua instead of filetype.vim. it's enabled by default in neovim 0.8 (nightly) if g.vim_version < 8 then g.did_load_filetypes = 0 g.do_filetype_lua = 1 end opt.laststatus = 3 -- global statusline -- for statusline format see lua/custom/plugins/nvchadui.lua opt.cmdheight = 1 opt.showmode = false opt.title = true opt.clipboard = "unnamed" opt.cul = false -- cursor line -- opt.colorcolumn = "80" opt.colorcolumn = '+0' -- make colorcolumn follow text width opt.textwidth = 80 opt.rulerformat = "%30(%=:b%n%y%m%r%w %l,%c%V %P%)" -- NvChad has custom ruler ! -- Indenting opt.expandtab = true -- Tabs are spaces, not tabs opt.shiftwidth = 4 -- use indents of 2 spaces opt.smartindent = true -- smart indent when starting new lines opt.tabstop = 4 -- number of spaces when tab pressed opt.softtabstop = 4 -- Let backspace delete indent -- http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Converting_tabs_to_spaces opt.tabpagemax = 10 opt.fillchars = { eob = "∼" } opt.ignorecase = true opt.smartcase = true opt.mouse = "a" opt.cpoptions:append ">" -- When appending to registers use newline -- GUI -- opt.mousehide = true -- Numbers opt.number = true opt.relativenumber = true opt.numberwidth = 2 opt.ruler = false -- disable nvim intro opt.shortmess:append "sI" opt.viewoptions="folds,cursor" -- . # and - are end of word designators opt.iskeyword:remove(".") opt.iskeyword:remove("#") opt.iskeyword:remove("-") -- remove `=` from is fname opt.isfname:remove("=") -- -- folding with tree sitter -- opt.foldmethod=expr -- opt.foldexpr="nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()" -- opt.foldminlines = 2 opt.foldlevelstart = 1 opt.conceallevel=1 -- how to show text with :syn-conceal syntax opt.list = true -- show tabs,trailing spaces and non-breakable spaces opt.listchars = "tab: ,trail:,extends:#,nbsp:⋅,eol:" -- Highlight problematic whitespace opt.diffopt:append("vertical") opt.completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect" opt.wrap = false opt.formatoptions:append("b") -- Auto-wrap text based on textwidt opt.matchpairs:append("<:>") opt.guicursor = {"n-v-c-sm:block-blinkwait50-blinkon200-blinkoff200", "i-ci-ve:ver25", "r-cr-o:hor20"} -- Lines to scroll when cursor leaves screen opt.scrolljump=5 opt.scrolloff=2 -- Allow :find to work on all subdirectories -- this only works when the original dir path is not changed opt.path:append("**") -- netrw file explorer (if it's used) g.netrw_silent = 1 g.netrw_liststyle=3 -- Display more details with files g.netrw_banner = 0 -- Remove banner at top g.netrw_browse_split = 4 -- Open files in vertical split g.netrw_winsize = 20 -- width of the window (25%) opt.signcolumn = "yes" -- opt.signcolumn = "auto:1-3" -- accommodate up to 3 icons opt.splitbelow = true opt.splitright = true opt.termguicolors = true -- if vim.fn.exists("+termguicolors") then -- vim.go.t_8f = "[38:2:%lu:%lu:%lum" -- vim.go.t_8b = "[48:2:%lu:%lu:%lum" -- end if vim.g.neovide then opt.g.neovide_cursor_trail_size=0.3 opt.g.neovide_cursor_animation_length=0.10 opt.guifont = "ProFontIIx Nerd Font Mono:h10" end opt.timeoutlen = 400 opt.undofile = true -- backups opt.backup = true opt.backupcopy = "yes" opt.backupdir = vim.fn.expand("~/.local/share/nvim/backups") opt.sessionoptions="blank,buffers,curdir,folds,help,tabpages,winsize,resize,winpos" -- interval for writing swap file to disk, also used by gitsigns opt.updatetime = 250 -- go to previous/next line with h,l,left arrow and right arrow -- when cursor reaches end/beginning of line opt.whichwrap:append "<>[]hl" g.mapleader = "," -- disable some builtin vim plugins local default_plugins = { "2html_plugin", "getscript", "getscriptPlugin", "gzip", "logipat", "matchit", "tar", "tarPlugin", "rrhelper", "spellfile_plugin", "vimball", "vimballPlugin", "zip", "zipPlugin", "tutor", "rplugin", "syntax", "synmenu", "optwin", -- "compiler", "bugreport", "ftplugin", } for _, plugin in pairs(default_plugins) do g["loaded_" .. plugin] = 1 end -- disable some default providers local default_providers = { "node", "perl", -- "python3", "ruby", } for _, provider in ipairs(default_providers) do vim.g["loaded_" .. provider .. "_provider"] = 0 end