local ok, terminal = pcall(require, 'nvterm.terminal') if not ok then vim.notify("missing module nvterm.terminal", vim.log.levels.WARN) return end local M = {} M.last_cmds = {} ---run cmd using builtin terminal ---@alias mode "vertical" | "horizontal" | "float" ---@param input string command to be run in term ---@param opts? { mode: mode } options M.run_cmd = function(input, opts) opts = opts or { mode = "vertical" } if input then table.insert(M.last_cmds, 1, input) terminal.send(input, opts.mode) return end vim.ui.input({ prompt = "float term cmd:> "}, function(linput) table.insert(M.last_cmds, 1, linput) terminal.send(linput, opts.mode) end) end M.rerun_last_cmd = function() if #M.last_cmds > 0 then terminal.send(M.last_cmds[1]) end end return M